What is a red spider and how to recognize it? | the most common pests of indoor plants

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Unfortunately, when the leaves take on visible damage, it means that they have already multiplied and that we are faced with a rather large number of individuals.

However, this does not mean that our plant is doomed, but only that we have to have a little more patience and persistence to get rid of them completely.

And of course, it’s a shame that once damaged leaves are irreversible. They will simply be left with the damage caused by the red spider forever.

How to get rid of a red spider?

When treating pests, we always have two options – an insecticide or a more natural way.

I personally, for several reasons, do not like to use strong insecticides, especially not indoors on indoor plants. The natural route of dealing with intruders is also the more laborious one that requires more patience and dedication to solving the problem, but at least it is not harmful.

If you decide to use an insecticide, in the case of the red spider, you must use an acaricide because the red spider is a mite. For this, it is best to consult an agricultural pharmacy.

If you still want to go a less invasive route, there are several ways you can get rid of the red spider.

The method I use and successfully get rid of them

First of all, when you notice a red spider on a plant, immediately isolate it from other plants, and if some were near it, treat them as well. And so that you don’t notice them on them, it is better to prevent them than to wait for them to possibly multiply on them as well.

I like to immediately put the infected plant in the shower and perform the rescue operation there. I shower her first, so I can remove the cobwebs more easily. Then I mix water and dishwashing detergent in the “bottle-syringe”. I don’t know the exact proportions, but once I squeeze out a little detergent and add water to the top of the bottle and mix it well.