Thyme – a multi-purpose plant that supports your health


Thyme is a plant with a very intense and charming aroma that delights with its role in cooking, but it is equally important as a part of the home pharmacy. The value and importance of thyme has been recognized since ancient times, which is why it has been used for hundreds of years in the preparation of dishes, but also for the treatment of various diseases.

Thyme has been used by many peoples throughout history and only its word sweetbread comes from the Greek word sweetbread which translates to courage. It is for this reason that its original purpose is not unusual, namely that Roman soldiers put it in their bathing water to enjoy its fragrance and because they thought it would help strengthen their bodies. In the Middle Ages, thyme was also used as a protection against diseases and unpleasant smells, so it was often carried in the pockets of members of the noble class who took care of their appearance.

Thyme is a plant from the thyme family and its name is Latin thymus vulgaris. It originates from the Mediterranean, from where it spread throughout the world. It is a sun-loving plant and will not thrive in areas where there is no sun, so it is mostly found in southern regions and warmer parts of the globe.

Thyme and thyme – is there a difference?

ThymePhoto: Wikipedia

The genus thyme is very broad and includes many species, although common thyme is most commonly used. Thyme is very often confused with thyme, a related plant that comes from the same genus thymus, and the difference between the two is most obvious in the way the two plants grow. Thyme is a creeper, so it will creep, while thyme grows upright into the air like most plants. It’s thyme thymus serpyllum while the Latin name is thyme thymus vulgaris.

So, if you are not sure whether you have thyme or thyme in your hands, just look at the plants in the jar and compare them. So you will find that the thyme stems stand upright and the thyme stems bend towards the bottom and sides of the container in which they are growing.

Another difference between the two plants is in the leaves, thyme leaves are narrower than thyme leaves and are slightly bent downwards. Thyme flowers will be white or slightly pink, while thyme flowers will be a deep pink color during flowering.

The main confusion that comes with mixing thyme and thyme is that both plants have a very similar smell, but if you try the two plants, you will find that thyme is slightly more bitter than thyme.

Thyme and its medicinal effects

Thyme is a very affordable and widely available remedy that would be a shame not to use as part of your home medicine cabinet, especially knowing that it is considered by many to be a miracle plant.

Its composition is very healing, as thyme contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as other compounds that can help solve various health problems. Thyme can help cure some other ailments that are not related to health, such as bad breath and hangovers.

Thyme is an important part of traditional medicine, which in the past mostly used it as a medicine against anemia, various types of fever and digestive problems. It has a very high effectiveness against all kinds of spasms, and for its beneficial properties, women often use it to relieve PMS symptoms.

Its beneficial composition is excellent for the stomach, so in addition to adding an excellent spicy note to any dish, it also helps to recover the stomach and support its health.

Mothers have been giving thyme to their children for a long time, because they knew that it would help strengthen the child’s organism and raise its immunity, and at the same time help with diseases that are traditionally very common in children, namely diseases caused by parasites. It is mainly about earthworms.

It is useful for the lungs and throat

Thyme is also very useful for the lungs and throat and can relieve ailments related to diseases such as bronchitis, colds and asthma, and it is definitely recommended to use it as a cough medicine. Thyme tea is most often used for this purpose, which will help calm coughs and act as an antiseptic for sore throats. This is why many people gargle with thyme to increase its effect. A good choice of tea is also thyme, which is recommended to drink when you have a cold in order to alleviate all the symptoms of this disease with its preventive effect.

Many people do not know that thyme is very useful for calming the nerves and treating stress, so it is recommended to use it if you feel tense or agitated or suffer from insomnia, nightmares and headaches.

The preparation of thyme tea is very simple: just put one sprig of thyme in a cup of hot water, cover with a saucer or lid and let it stand and drink until it cools completely.

Thyme also has its external application, therefore, due to its antiseptic properties, it is very often used as a means of disinfecting wounds and a means of treating ulcers and various burns, but it is also good for treating toothaches.

Thyme tincture has been shown to be very effective in treating acne in some people, and one of the reasons is its antibacterial effect.

Just like the Roman soldiers of old, you can make your own thyme bath, especially if you have bruises or swelling, if you suffer from rheumatism or if you just want to get rid of accumulated stress and relax your body.

Thyme essential oils

There are several types of thyme essential oil, and between them there is a difference in chemical composition, but also in action. However, no matter which essential oil you choose, each one will be healing.

Chemotype thymol

It is an essential oil with a predominance of thymol and is extremely popular for its powerful antiseptic action that kills viruses and bacteria. People who consume thymol capsules have noted that they are very effective in treating urinary and respiratory tract infections. However, they can be strong, so it is important that the capsules are not too concentrated and that the essential oil is sufficiently diluted.

Chemotype linalool

This type of thyme essential oil works very well against fungi and various microbes and is most often used to treat various respiratory and urinary problems. It can help solve acne problems. This type of thyme essential oil is much milder than the thymol chemotype.

Geraniol chemotype

It is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and is particularly good at treating Candida and some types of fungi. Therefore, this type of essential oil is most often used in the treatment of various fungal and bacterial infections related to the urinary tract.

There are several other types of thyme chemotypes that also have different anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Thyme in the kitchen

Thyme as an herb has been used in cooking since ancient times and is a very popular part of Mediterranean cuisine. It goes well with garlic, tomatoes, wine and olives, which we know are the main characteristics of Mediterranean cuisine.

It is often used in the preparation of various soups and salads, as well as marinades and sauces, and a great advantage of thyme is that it does not mind long cooking and will not change its aroma regardless.

It is important to note that thyme, like rosemary, should not be overdone, because it has a strong aroma and a bitter spicy taste, so instead of creating a pleasant note, it can completely take over the aroma of the dish.

Thyme as an insect repellent

If you have problems with insects, you can try making your own thyme-based insect repellent.

For this you will only need 60 milliliters of water, 60 milliliters of olive oil and 15 drops of thyme tincture and 15 drops of eucalyptus tincture. Then transfer the repellent to a closed container that you should keep in a dark place. This liquid will help you protect yourself from insects when you are in nature.