Small crow – the smallest European crow

mali vranac scaled

The little crow is the smallest European crow, usually growing to the size of a duck, i.e. half a meter, with a much larger wingspan. They are nesting birds that like water with lots of greenery.

The little crow is a highly endangered species in Croatia and is therefore strictly protected, especially because it is exposed to poaching. For this reason, we encourage you to treat it responsibly.

Shiny black mud bird

The little crow, also called the fendak, is the smallest bird of the cormorant or crow family, a family of wading birds. The bird grows to a length of approximately 50 centimeters, the wingspan is larger and can be up to one meter. It has a relatively long tail, but its neck and beak are much shorter than other crows. It differs from the cormorant in that it is much smaller, lighter and has a longer tail.

Crow feathers are a beautiful glossy black color that is often covered in green and brown sheen, and their color even changes depending on the breeding season. Thus, adult birds are black all over during mating, with a few white tufts, and are spotted throughout the rest of the year.

This bird likes to nest on the banks of rivers that are densely covered with plants and are rich in greenery. They will make their nests in dense clumps of bushes and they especially like areas where willow grows. They build them using reeds and sticks and are very careful about it.

The food of crows is mainly fish and they always hunt in groups of several birds. In this way, they protect each other and achieve maximum dominance over a certain area without fear.

Threats and protection in Croatia

The little crow builds its nests in warm and humid areas rich in plants, along rivers and lakes. They like to live in heavily flooded areas and like wetlands, especially because of the wealth of food that such areas usually abound.

They are completely adapted to human presence and live alone as well as in groups. Crows mate in late spring or early summer, and the birds take a month to hatch from the eggs. After only two months, they become independent and completely leave their parents.

The common crow is threatened for several reasons, among which are poaching, pollution of their habitats, habitat degradation and above all we must mention the drying up of swamps, which are their favorite home.

In Croatia, nests of this special bog can be found at Lake Vrana, Kopački rit and Lonjsko polje, which are all good examples of wetlands and nature parks. They are the safest place for endangered species because they are more closely monitored.