Road transport: should you travel by train, ship or plane?

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All types of motorized transport have an extremely high and negative impact on the environment, which is most evident in climate change, which is largely caused by transport. Road traffic has a very negative impact on the climate by releasing harmful exhaust gases into the atmosphere, so this mode of transport is the worst choice for travel.

Due to the fact that air pollution is a big problem today that affects many spheres of life, it is necessary to try to reduce the negative external influence of transport, especially road transport. Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing more and more and the greenhouse effect is becoming more pronounced, so it is important to reduce the level of emissions to the lowest possible level.

The exhaust gases of vehicles involved in transport are full of harmful compounds: sulfur compounds that are produced by burning fossil fuels, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide and various small particles and soot. Although several directives have been adopted to limit vehicle pollution, the number of vehicles is extremely high, so the emission of harmful gases is still far beyond the limits.

But what about other means of transport and their effect on air pollution? Read below which type of transport pollutes the environment the least and how individual means of transport affect the world around us.

Are you traveling by plane, ship or train?

Many countries around the world, including those in the European Union, are trying to introduce certain types of changes to their traffic laws to make them more environmentally friendly and better for the planet. The European plan is called the “Green Plan” and it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport by a fascinating 90% by 2050, starting from 1990.

The greatest hope for reducing the impact of transport on the environment is given by studies that show that switching to rail transport drastically reduces the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Transport generates an average of 25% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union, and to top it off, it has surpassed industrial transport in this regard.

Overall, the most ecologically destructive type of transport is road transport, which accounts for up to 70% of the above-mentioned 25%. Maritime and air transport come in infamous second place at 13-15%, with railways ranking best – with less than 1% of harmful gas emissions.

Traveling by train – the most reasonable way to travel

Rail transport has the lowest gas emissions per kilometer traveled, so rail transport is considered the best solution for travel. Unfortunately, progress in this direction is very little, as most people prefer road to rail transport. The same applies to manufacturers and distributors for whom it is cheaper to transport by truck than by rail.

In addition, rail transport is the most environmentally friendly way of travel, which can be seen from statistics on accidents, air pollution, noise and congestion. They are much smaller and lower in trains than in private cars.

Due to increasing threats to ecosystems, human health and the atmosphere, most countries of the world, including the EU, are trying to influence changes in the habits of consumers and large industrial enterprises. Special attention is paid to the introduction of low-emission fuels and the production of vehicles with zero emissions is supported. The legislation aims to limit and reduce emissions for all types of vehicles, from cars to trucks and buses.