Radič – in garden


Radic (lat. Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi) is a biennial herbaceous plant that originates from the family of sedges. It is botanically related to chicory and endive, and has a special bitter taste.

Radič is most often used fresh. The stalk of radicchio is hollow and angular, in the first year it is short. In the second year, branching occurs and can grow up to 150 centimeters in height. Radish root is short and thick. The leaves are large and oval, collected in a rosette in the first year of life. In the second year of life, alternate leaves are formed. Ground leaves can be up to 20 centimeters long and are light green.

Radič is sown in sunny areas, and requires nutritious and moist soil. Radish is sown in rows on empty beds in the garden. Varieties like Verona are planted in the spring. In autumn, you have to be patient with the radicchio, because it forms a head when it is cold enough. It contains medicinal bitter intybin, which gives it a specific taste and improves digestion.

In the continental area, radicchio is sown from the end of June to mid-July, and in the Adriatic it is sown from June until September. Radish is sown next to greens or under sweet corn, on beds fertilized last autumn with at least 2 kg/m2 of mature manure after potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, lettuce, peas or spinach. For each row of 4 m length, 1 g of seed is needed. The rows must be spaced between 20 and 30 centimeters.

Varieties of radicchio

Radish is a plant of the winter period. According to the color of the leaves, it is divided into green and red varieties. According to the shape, it is divided into varieties where the leaves are harvested and varieties that form heads.

The energy value of radica is 60kJ/100 g. It contains up to 8% of dry matter consisting of vegetable fats, proteins, cellulose and carbohydrates. It mostly contains vitamin C, potassium and magnesium.

The red radicchio varieties are: palla rossa (early radič), palla rossa (late radič), palla rossa 5 – 110 days, averto, verona, Treviški red šrucar

Green varieties of radicchio are: Pan di zuccero, zuckerhut, palla bianca, grumolo, Trieste solatnik, uranus F1 – 60 days

The forced radix is ​​witloof, and the variegated radix is ​​variegata di castelfranco.

Palla rossa early bloomer

An early radicchio variety that does not overwinter outdoors. The round heads have wine-red leaves and have a slightly bitter taste. Early radicchio is sown from May to June as a second crop after peas, potatoes and beets in a spacing of 30 cm with a row spacing of 40 cm.

Palla rossa late bloomer

A late variety that overwinters outdoors. The round heads also have wine-red leaves and can be stored over the winter. Late radič is sown in June and July behind potatoes and peas with a distance of 30×40 cm. If palla rossa is planted too early, it can go into flower.

Palla rossa 5 110 daily

Palla rosa 5 (110 days) is a late variety of red-headed radicchio. The plant is uniform and has a beautiful red color with white veins and easily tolerates low temperatures. It develops compact round heads that can reach an average weight of between 250 and 300 grams. It is harvested 110 days after transplanting.


Averto forms greenish – red – brown leaves, which form into a wine-red head. Averto is sown in June or July behind winter lettuce, peas and spinach.


Verna is sown from March to August, and its green leaves are available all summer. In autumn, the leaves turn red, and in late autumn and spring they form red heads, which have a slightly bitter taste. This variety is a mid-late variety. It overwinters outdoors and is used to promote other varieties. The seeds germinate in about 14 days. They are good neighbors for beans, radicchio, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes.

Treviso red bread

Treviška red šrucar is an early variety of red winter radish. This variety does not form a head, but its leaves are oblong and lance-shaped and are suitable for early harvesting. When it is in the vegetative period, it forms a small rosette that then overwinters.

Pan di zuccero

This radicchio variety is a mid-early variety. The pan di zuccera head has a pointed shape and is light green in color with a firm center. Outdoors it can last until December, it can be stored until February. It is used for cooking, but it is not suitable for boosting. It thrives as a pre-culture of beans, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes. The seeds of this radicchio variety germinate in about 14 days.


This radicchio variety is suitable for storing over the winter. The soil should be well fertilized. In the dry period, this variety should be watered more. It is harvested from mid-October until the first frosts. It is rich in vitamins A and B1.

Palla bianca

Palla bianca is a mid-early variety of green radicchio. The plant is of lush growth, with light green leaves and has a compact, but not too compact head. It has a little bitter taste.


Radič of the Grumolo variety is a fast growing, early variety of Radič and is a Radič for cutting. Yellow-green leaves are cut throughout the year. It thrives in the neighborhood of beans, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes. Radish seeds of this variety germinate in about 14 days.

Trieste salad bar

Trieste lettuce is planted as a cutting plant, and its bright green leaves are cut throughout the year. Its advantage is that its leaves are smooth and grow very well. That is why it is planted from April and harvested throughout the summer. If it is planted in summer, it is harvested until late autumn, because it tolerates low temperatures well.

Uranus F1 60 daily

This variety of radicchio is dark green in color and is intended for autumn production. The most appropriate time for planting is in June and early July. This variety grows up to 50 cm in height. It is resistant to lower temperatures.


This radicchio variety thrives during late autumn and winter. After removing the roots, the leaves are cut to a length of 2 cm from the root base. The roots are stored at around 0 to 1°C until the moment of acceleration. Acceleration is carried out in a dark room, and the optimal air temperature must be between 15 and 18°C, and the temperature of the substrate between 18 and 20°C. The relative humidity of the air must be between 85 and 95%. Acceleration lasts 15 to 20 days, at lower temperatures 25 to 35 days. The new leaves form a firm elongated and pointed head without chlorophyll, yellow-white in color. Depending on the growth variety, yields of 20 to 30 kg per m2 are achieved.

Variegata di Castelfranco

Medium heavy soil is most suitable for growing this variety. Planting of seeds can be direct or with transplanting. The seeds of this variety germinate in 7 to 10 days. This variety should not be planted too early in the spring because it will flower. The leaves are oval in shape and turn red and white in autumn. It is most often used for salads. This variety is sensitive to cold. It can be used for forcing – in clay or freshly fertilized soil, the roots diversify and are not suitable for forcing.

Planting radicchio

Radish is a plant that easily tolerates low temperatures, depending on the variety. It can be an annual or biennial plant. In the Mediterranean area, cultivation is possible throughout the year.

Planting time

If radicchio is sown mechanically, then it is sown in June or July in rows with an inter-row distance of 30 to 50 centimeters – 1.5 kg/ha of seeds. If it is grown in the form of seedlings in a protected area, sowing takes place in February or March.

Planting from seeds

The radicchio seeds are sown directly on the beds with a row spacing of 10 to 15 centimeters or in rows with 3 to 10 grams of seed per square meter. The seeds are sown as shallow as possible, between 0.5 and 1 centimeter, and should be lightly rolled.

Early spring sowing takes place from February to March, and radič then forms a rosette of leaves after 25 to 40 days. Summer sowing is done in June and July.

Planting seedlings

Radič, which is grown from seedlings, is sown in stages. This method of planting enables the continuous arrival of radicchio on the market in the period from April to June. Radič is planted when it is in the stage of 3 to 4 leaves, from May to July. It is harvested from July to December.

Cultivation of radicchio is carried out once or twice. Radič must be irrigated regularly with 20 to 30 milliliters of water every 5 days. Seedlings need foliar feeding, which is carried out with protection.

Cultivation in the garden

Before planting, seeds and soil are prepared. The place where the radicchio will be planted is dug. The soil must be leveled and moist. Before planting, the soil is fertilized. The place of planting should be lit, because radicchio likes direct sunlight. The place for planting is prepared using humus fertilizers and peat.

The beds are made at a distance of 30 to 35 centimeters from each other, and then the radicchio seeds are sown. The seeds are planted at a depth of 1 to 1.5 centimeters. The distance between seedlings must be 8 centimeters. If the seed is planted too deep, the germination time of the plant will be reduced. The first shoots are visible in 7 to 14 days. The minimum distance between adult plants must be 30 centimeters.

Cultivation in a greenhouse

Radič is successfully grown during autumn and winter in greenhouses and greenhouses. Radič is a leading vegetable crop because it has low biological requirements.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, the plant sprouts faster, in 3 to 6 days, and the optimal temperature for planting is from 12 to 15°C. After the plant has germinated, the daytime temperature should be maintained between 8 and 12°C, and the night temperature must be between 6 and 10°C. After transplanting to a permanent place, the temperature that is most suitable for the growth of radicchio inside a greenhouse or greenhouse must be between 12 and 15°C, because such a temperature enables the formation of a solid head.

Radič is a culture that requires good lighting. If there is not enough light, the radicchio grows longer and forms a loose head. Radič tolerates low temperatures well; young plants can withstand temperatures between 1 and 2°C, even short-term frosts that can reach temperatures of up to -8°C.

Winter varieties of radicchio can also be grown in an unheated sheltered area, but then the period from planting to harvest is considerably longer. In winter, it can be up to 100 days. In a greenhouse or greenhouse that can be heated, it is possible to produce radicchio continuously throughout the year.

Radič takes between 40 and 50 days from planting to harvesting in the greenhouse, so it can be grown throughout the winter, until April. When the radicchio begins to form the first heads, it is watered with a drop-by-drop system so that excess moisture does not remain in the heads.

A greater amount of light, quality nutrition and an optimal temperature are necessary for success. Due to the sensitivity of the radiator to light, it is necessary to keep the film clean and if the transparency decreases, replace it in time.

Cultivation in containers

For growing in pots, you first need to choose seeds and make a sowing plan. The seeds should be healthy and undamaged. If radicchio is grown for organic farming, you should also have organic seeds.

Containers are chosen for sowing as desired. The size of the space and the amount of seeds to be sown should be taken into account. Low plastic pots, special plates made of plastic or styrofoam with precisely defined places for sowing can be used. New containers should be used every year because they prevent various diseases – old containers can harbor harmful pathogens at rest. Each container must have holes for drainage.

When buying a substrate, make sure that it does not contain peat. The substrate used must be airy, loose and not too rich in nutrients. Peat affects the pH value of the substrate, and it can negatively affect germination. A suitable substrate can be made. Soil from the garden, compost, fine sand, stone flour and a little ground coal are mixed.

Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare a plant bath. It is made from a mixture of dry herbs, nettle, chamomile, common yarrow, and oak bark. A spoonful of the mixture is poured over half a liter of warm water and left to stand for 24 hours. After that, the liquid is filtered and the seeds are soaked and kept from 10 minutes to 2 or 3 hours, depending on the thickness of the seeds themselves. The seeds will thus absorb the dissolved nutrients and medicinal substances that will strengthen them. The seeds will thus be more resistant to diseases.

In the initial phase, seedlings are very sensitive. Seedlings are sprayed with a spray to have moderate humidity. In order to protect the seed from drying out and drafts and to encourage faster sprouting, the sowing containers are covered with transparent film or a suitable transparent cover. The cover must have holes to allow air to circulate over the seedlings. In winter, it is best to illuminate the seedlings with lamps so that they have a sufficient source of light. After that comes the pecking.

Picking is the process in which seedlings are transplanted for the first time after sowing. It is planted in small glass containers or plateaus with larger places for planting. It can also be planted in pots made of compressed substrate, which are then transplanted together into the garden. The water in the containers must drain. If the water does not drain away, the root may rot. It is picked when the plants have 2 to 3 developed leaves in addition to the sprout leaves. If the plants are elongated, they must be planted deeper. It is transplanted carefully because young seedlings are fragile. Seedlings are planted in the same substrate that was used for sowing.


Medium-heavy soils with a good structure and good capacity for water and air are the most favorable for growing radicchio, and the pH must be between 6 and 7.


A temperature of 20°C is most favorable for Radič. Then it sprouts in 5 to 6 days. When the plant is located in an area where the temperature is around 10 degrees, it can take up to 15 days to sprout. The optimal temperature is between 15 and 18°C, depending on the radicchio variety. An open and sunny habitat suits him.

Cultivation of radicchio

Radič is most often grown in gardens and greenhouses. Two types of radicchio should be distinguished – leafy and rooted. Radish is grown for its green, red and purple leaves. The leafy radič is also called the cephalic radič because of its leafy – headed form. Root radicchio is grown for the purpose of boosting.

Matching cultures

Radič should not be grown on the same area for at least three to four years. It is best to plant it under sweet corn or vegetables, and after tomatoes, potatoes or cucumbers, beans, spinach, peas and lettuce, because their residues are an excellent organic fertilizer.

Radič is a good pre-culture because after harvesting and cleaning, a lot of organic mass of leaves and roots remains behind the radič.

It also goes well with vegetables such as carrots, onions and fennel.


Watering and an even supply of water is essential for the successful cultivation of the plant. Radič is successfully grown on light sandy soils with irrigation. On heavier soils, irrigation is not necessary.


It is recommended to use 20 – 60 t/ha of manure, 160 – 200 kg/ha of phosphorus and 80 – 160 kg/ha of potassium for leafy and heady radič.


Radič is propagated by seeds or in the form of seedlings

Maintenance and care

Radič likes sunny places, but it can also tolerate a little shade. The optimal temperature for its growth and development is between 15 and 18°C, and the minimum temperature is between 6 and 8°C. Radič stops growing at temperatures higher than 30°C and lower than -6°C.

Plantation maintenance

When the plant develops 3 to 4 leaves, the distance is thinned to 15 to 30 centimeters, depending on the cultivar. During the growing season, the radič is regularly irrigated and cultivated alternately.

Harvesting radicchio

If radicchio is sown in early spring, it takes 2 to three weeks to sprout. After sprouting in 4 to 6 weeks, the leaves reach a height of between 10 and 15 centimeters. Then they can marry. Radič is harvested by cutting the leaves, taking care not to damage the top of the vegetation.

After the first harvest, the radicchio must be watered, and the new leaves are ready for harvesting again after a month. After the second cut, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with a combined or nitrogen fertilizer. During the summer, the crop can be harvested several times, but it gradually weakens.


Radič is stored so that after harvesting, the cut leaves are washed in cold water and drained. Thus, radič comes to the market packaged in shallow boxes that are covered with foil.

After 5 to 6 harvests, a yield of 2 kg/m2 is calculated.

Leafy radicchio is not stored. It can survive for up to a week at a temperature between 2 and 5°C.

Preparation for the next season

If radicchio is being prepared to be planted in a greenhouse, greenhouse or in the garden, it should be prepared for the next season. Green siderates can be sown before re-sowing radica, which will develop green mass, and after their plowing, additional nutrients for the soil will be obtained. Rye suppresses weeds and will leave behind a loose soil for replanting radicchio. Legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen, as does lettuce.


If the radicchio is not treated for diseases, they can stop the growth of the plant. The most common causes of radicchio death are: white leg, blight, white rot, concentric leaf spot, brown spot, gray mold, powdery mildew, lettuce rust.

White leg

The cause of this disease is a fungus Thanatephoms cucumeris (lat.=Rhizoctonia solani). This disease most often occurs on potato tubers, but it also affects radicchio.

The source of the white leg infection can be the seeds that remain after removing last year’s radicchio. The white leg immediately attacks the sprout and causes the radicle to die. The infected part of the stem begins to form brown depressions and elongated spots (necrosis). Radič on the lower part of the healthy tissue tries to compensate for the loss by secondary growth. The second attack is recognized on the top or youngest leaves and curls upwards and changes color to yellow-green with a red edge.

Depending on how far the white leg has developed, the symptoms can be different. When conditions are favorable, on a stem that is at ground level, the white leg forms a white surface mycelium. The tubers begin to crack, and dark brown hard formations, sclerotia, are formed on them, which cannot be washed.

The white leg is fought with preventive measures such as observing crop rotation, seed treatment, the soil of protected areas should be sterilized before planting. If a whiteleg attack occurs, the infected plants should be removed and burned. The infection can be reduced by watering the plants with carbendazim.


The first symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of a dark coating, and they can also spread to the ports. This disease is most favored by a temperature of 10°C with increased humidity. The disease is spread by the wind, so a greater distance between plots is recommended. The disease can be prevented by regular inspections of seedlings, ideally once a week.

The firefly most often attacks lettuce, endive and radicchio. The primary sources of infection are: an infected neighboring crop, wild species of the genus (Latin Lacutca), contaminated seed.

The optimum temperature for seed development is around 10°C, but the limit ranges from 2 to 28°C. When the disease affects the plant, incubation lasts from 4 to 7 days at a temperature of 20°C.

White rot

White rot is caused by Botrytis species. Gray mycelia develop between the fleshy leaves. This disease appears to a stronger extent on the culture created from the seed. White rot often develops without visible consequences, and rot begins to develop only after storage. The disease infects leaves in the field, but becomes visible only on dead leaf tissue.

Leaf spotting

Concentric leaf spot or Alternaria porri is a parasite that is particularly harmful to young onions that have been planted from seed. This is where the early breakage of the flower stem occurs, so the seeds do not develop well. The edge of the spot is purple, and in the middle of the spot there is a gray covering of conidia and conidiophores. Protection is done by using fungicides. It occurs in periods when dry and wet weather conditions alternate. Concentric leaf spot is a fungus that overwinters on infected plant residues from the previous year. Optimal conditions are temperatures between 20 and 25°C and high air humidity with short-term rains. Then the disease spreads from infected to healthy plants. The rains wash the conidia of the fungus from the aerial parts of the plant to the tubers.

Healthy planting material, crop rotation and healthy plant varieties help in prevention.

Among the chemical protection measures, Ortiva fungicide is used in a dose of 0.5 lit/ha or 5 ml/10 lit for classic spraying.

Brown leaf spot

The infection can already be observed in autumn in young radič. If the plant is infected, round and oval spots can be observed on two or three leaves. If it is a stronger attack, the leaf is folded and dried from the top to the base. It occurs most often on wheat.


Radish rust is a disease that occurs most often during a long and wet spring. This disease most often occurs on endive, lettuce and radicchio. Rust can be recognized by yellow spots on the leaves that later turn black. The disease spreads quickly through wind, rain and insects. Excessive fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers also favors rust.

Gray mold

In radicchio, gray mold appears in the spring and is favored by moisture. It can be recognized by the round to elliptical yellow-white sunken spots that appear on the leaves of spring onions. Gray mold causes necrosis of the neck of the leaves and in 5 to 12 days the lesion can spread, causing accelerated rotting of the leaves. The disease is best treated with a solution of pyraclostrobin and boscalid.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a disease of radicchio and endive that appears on infected leaves in the form of a dirty-white powder. When plants are infected, ashy coatings are formed on the leaves. The coating is mostly formed on the lower leaves. As the disease develops, the coating spreads and can cover the entire plant. Infected leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off. Powdery mildew causes the most damage to the crop, which it can reduce by up to 70%.

Favorable conditions for the development of powdery mildew are places with high humidity and a temperature between 25 and 28°C. The rains don’t suit her.

Control measures to suppress powdery mildew include optimal fertilization with nitrogen, adherence to crop rotation, destruction of plant residues. Powdery mildew is controlled with fungicides.

Karathane Gold 350 EC is used to control powdery mildew because it blocks cellular respiration and works at high and low temperatures. It is active against all stages of the pathogen.


Different types of pests can be recognized on the plant. The most famous pests are: root aphid, aphid, carrot fly

Root louse

The root aphid most often appears in the period from April to September on the roots of plants. Radish, carrot, endive and lettuce are mostly affected. On the roots, millimeter yellowish ears covered with a white coating are formed. To combat root lice, a wide crop rotation is carried out, the soil is regularly hoeed and loosened, and fertilization with organic fertilizers is reduced. Sick plants are removed immediately.


Aphids or aphids are small pests that feed on the juicy parts of the plant. They mostly attack the leaves of young plants. Aphids reproduce quickly and cause great damage. They can grow up to 4 millimeters in size. Some aphids have wings. Adult aphids have antennae on their heads. Their bodies are covered with wax and tiny hairs. They got their name because they hide among the leaves. They can appear in all weather conditions. The optimal temperature for the reproduction of plant lice is between 20 and 28°C, and the air humidity should be 60%. Aphids on radicchio cause stunted growth, death and curling of leaves, and the appearance of sooty fungi.

Each aphid can produce from 3 to 10 new individuals per day. They can be of different colors from black to pink.

Aphids are controlled using chemical preparations or naturally. The increased occurrence of ladybugs indicates the possible development of aphids.

Carrot fly

This type of fly can grow from 4 to 5 millimeters, and the damage is done by larvae that are 6 to 8 millimeters in size. The first generation occurs in May and June, and the second occurs in July. The second generation is more harmful. The damage can be reduced by following crop rotation. Good pre-cultures are peas, onions and tomatoes. Carrot fly appears on moist soil, so it is better to sow radicchio in spring. There are no pesticides to control the carrot fly, and wood ash, orange peel or tomato leaves are used as natural preparations. The soil should be sprinkled with a mixture of ash and sand in a ratio of 1:1. 5 to 10 grams of the mixture is sprinkled per square meter.

Use of radii

Radish leaves are used raw in salads, but the root and flower are edible. Radish leaves are rich in minerals and vitamin A.

He works in medicine

Previously, radič was used exclusively for medical purposes. It is rich in B vitamins, vitamins C and K and minerals such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese and folic acid. Radič reduces allergic reactions such as itching, swelling of the mucous membrane and watery eyes. The reason for this is vitamin C, which promotes the breakdown of histamine. Radič is full of vitamin K, which is needed for the synthesis of proteins that help blood clot. Vitamin K improves liver function.

Radič helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Worked in culinary arts

It is most often eaten raw as a salad, in combination with other types of leafy vegetables. It is eaten with vinegar and olive oil and with yogurt-based toppings. When it is seasoned with pumpkin oil, it loses its bitterness.

Radič can be eaten as a side dish, but also as an independent dish.

Radič is cooked in Italian cuisine. It can also be grilled, and in this combination it is eaten with smoked cheese and aceto balsamic.


The tradition of collecting edible plants has been present since ancient times. This practice originally appeared out of necessity, when the land was not fertile and there was a lack of food. This especially applies to the area of ​​Dalmatia. Wild radič, from which numerous species have emerged today, was used in the past by all the peoples of the Mediterranean.

The Egyptians cultivated it from its wild ancestor, and Pliny wrote that, in addition to nutrition, radicchio is good for cleansing against insomnia and as a blood purifier. Red radicchio was only cultivated in 1860 by the Belgian agronomist Francesco Van Den Borre.

Interesting things

Radič has long been cultivated as a medicine. It was used as medicine by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and the Egyptians began to cultivate it from its wild variety.

Wild radicchio is now widespread in Europe and North Africa and can be found all along Asia, all the way to Siberia.

Radič was used as a blood purifier and as a remedy against insomnia. In the Middle Ages, it was consumed by priests who practiced vegetarianism.

Photo: Hans / Pixabay