Plantain – a plant that facilitates breathing


Plantain, popularly known by another name, buckthorn, is a plant that has been used for hundreds of years to treat various diseases and has proven itself especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases. In addition to treating people, plantain is also used to treat animals, so it is not surprising that precisely because it is very useful for horses, it has been given another folk name Horse rib.

This beautiful meadow plant is somewhat unsightly in appearance, but its hidden medicinal properties place it in the ranks of much better-known and popular plants. Plantain has excellent antibiotic properties and is very often used in the care of injured skin. Precisely because of its appearance, plantain was not used for a long time and was not recorded at all – today it is used in holistic treatment.

In addition to our region, plantain can be found throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and all other continents, but unfortunately in some it is still considered a common weed. There are more than two hundred species of plantain, and the two most famous are the narrow-leaved plantain and the broad-leaved plantain. Also one of the more popular is the Indian plantain, which is effective for weight loss (Psyllium husk). It is important to note that all types of plantain are edible and the vast majority of them are medicinal. Many even believe that plantain would not even have been discovered if animals were not attracted to its scent, which testifies to its medicinal properties.

Plantain in folk medicine

Plantain is used in folk medicine for its certain medicinal properties and for its composition, the most important compounds of which are tannin, mucilage and flavonoids. In addition, it also contains potassium and zinc, which is very useful and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Tannin is otherwise known for its antibacterial properties and is also effective against fungi. It also helps to treat various types of poisoning. Stories are told of hunters who once walked their dogs in the meadows and the dogs smelled the plantain to help with bacterial problems in the body. Hunters then noticed that this scenario was repeating itself and plantain was slowly entering everyday use.

Flavonoids are often called by one name: vitamin P and are very important for the functioning of the human body and can be found in many types of plants. In addition to giving us strength and freshness, flavonoids are also known to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic diseases are common these days and become a problem for the little person. Sometimes it seems like we can’t protect ourselves anymore, so it’s important to pay attention to the little things that can make a difference in the long run.

Plantain composition

Plantain also contains mustard oil, which is known to act as an antibiotic, making it good for treating various inflammations. The antioxidants in this oil are also good immune boosters and will help remove bad free radicals from the body.

Plantain contains both vitamin C and calcium found in its leaves, which can be eaten raw because they contain citric acid, which gives it a mild aromatic taste.

For all these components, plantain is very often used in folk medicine and today it is an important part in the treatment of many ailments. It can be consumed in various forms and plantain tea is most commonly used.

Due to these useful ingredients, plantain tea is often used to treat problems with the respiratory system and is considered an excellent aid to help expel secretions in diseases such as pneumonia or asthma (similar to thyme).

There are also some antimicrobial components in plantain that will help cure a sore throat as well as various skin infections.

Plantain is also useful in treating gout because it encourages the body to excrete excess uric acid, which is caused by the aucubin found in the plant.

Plantain is also used by many as a smoking cessation aid as it reduces the need for cigarettes.

In folk medicine, the seeds of this plant are often used as a means of combating parasites or worms.

Since plantain also has laxative properties, it should not be consumed excessively, but that is why it is an excellent choice for people who have problems with constipation. If you don’t like synthetic laxatives, you can turn to tea and similar solutions to help stimulate digestion without medical intervention (sage has similar properties). However, it should be remembered that herbal solutions and home remedies are not a substitute for professional help in cases where the situation gets out of control.

Plantain and wounds

Plantain has long been a well-known remedy in folk medicine for the care of various cuts and skin injuries and is also used to treat insect bites. It also has some level of saponin which will help in the form of an antihistamine.

People who have problems with infection or mouth ulcers often take plantain leaves and chew them internally to act as an antiseptic. If you don’t like the taste of plantain, try combining it with some other herbs or drink something afterwards.

Plantain also has analgesic properties, but not to such an extent.

Plantain and how to use it

PlantainPhoto: Wikipedia

Plantain can be used in many ways and can be eaten raw. It is usually taken as a tea, syrup or tincture (this is how it is most often used in diseases of the respiratory system in which it is necessary to expel excess secretions).

If you have an open wound or cut, you can grind plantain leaves and apply them to the painful area, and you can do the same when you need to heal bruises.

Chewing the leaves of this plant creates an aversion to smoking, so it is good for anyone trying to quit smoking.

You can add young plantain leaves to a salad, which will add a delicious note to your dish with a lemony note and at the same time make you healthier. Of course, don’t eat these salads every day, mainly because of the previously mentioned laxative properties. Try to measure yourself, and if you feel that you are quite sensitive to plantain, reduce the amount.

You can also prepare plantain juice to treat various types of inflammation. Plantain loses some of its fiber in this way, so it is more suitable for those with sensitive and accelerated digestion.

How to prepare plantain tea?

Take one cup of fresh leaves of this plant. Then wash the leaves thoroughly under cold water and place in a container with a lid that can handle hot water. Then you need to pour hot water over the leaves of the plant and cover the bowl so that all the healing properties are released into the liquid. You need to set this container aside to rest until the outside is cool to the touch.

Then just strain the tea from the leaves and keep the plantain in the fridge and consume it regularly. Plantain can stay in the fridge for a maximum of 14 days, during which time you need to drink one to two cups of tea to help treat cold symptoms or to strengthen the stomach and gain control over the digestive system.

Plantain tea must be drunk unsweetened or you can add honey to it. It is very beneficial for people who have problems with digestive tract diseases, people who suffer from various intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. You can’t go wrong if you also use it as a medicine for external use, which is washing wounds or helping the skin to heal.

How to make a plantain wrap?

In addition to drinking tea, you can also use plantain in the form of poultices, where they have proved very effective for insect or bee stings or contact with poison ivy.

Just take a few plantain leaves, crush them or pound them in a mortar and place them directly on the skin and use as a blog and it will immediately relieve pain and reduce swelling.

How to make plantain tincture?

You can also make plantain tincture very easily, and for this you will need one cup of washed and dried leaves of this medicinal plant and 500 ml of 100% alcohol.

Just put the leaves in a container and cover with alcohol, stir the mixture and store covered in a dark place. Every few days you need to shake the jar containing the mixture, and after about two months you can transfer this tincture to clean bottles and put it in a dark place.

The tincture is very good for treating colds, stomach ailments and respiratory infections and is very easy to use. Just hold 10 drops of the tincture under the tongue for a few seconds or simply add it to a glass of water and drink as needed, for the duration of the symptoms.

Plantain – side effects of use

Like all herbs, plantain can have some side effects, so be careful and take it in small doses at first. If you have problems with bloating or have experienced any allergic reaction, it means that you do not like plantain and therefore it is necessary to avoid its use. Sometimes people have various allergies that manifest themselves through the skin, so in any case, after the first consumptions (recommended in smaller quantities), observe the condition of your skin and the condition of your palate.

We must also note that these side effects are very rare and that they most often occur as a result of excessive consumption of the product and failure to follow the method of use indicated on plantain products. No product is good if you can’t use it in moderation, and just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s 100% safe – especially in different amounts and conditions.