Persimmon – planting, growing, maintenance, harvesting


Khaki (Latin Diospyros kaki) is one of the 725 species in the genus Ebanovka. Ebony also belongs to this genus, and it is the most famous species along with khaki. These are plants that most often grow in the subtropical and tropical climates of Asia and are characterized by their black trunk and roots. Persimmon is also known as Japanese apple because it comes from China and Japan, but it has spread around the world and is also grown in other countries, such as the USA.

Khaki is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 12 m in height and the crown can grow up to 7 m in width. The bark is brown and cracked, and the branches are branched and often covered with hairs that can be found on the leaves. The leaves are shiny, small, egg-shaped and dark green, and grow in rows. It blooms in spring, and the flowers attract insects and bees. They are white in color, fragrant and divided into male and female. The fruits have a diameter of 10 cm, orange smooth skin and can be both male and female. If they are unfertilized, then they have no seeds in the middle.

Persimmon is a very resistant plant that likes a warmer climate with moderate winters and enough moisture. Although it is quite resistant, it needs to be given attention in order to have a rich harvest. It is naturally distributed in central China where it is cultivated as a fruit tree and is considered one of the first fruit trees in the world. In addition, it can be grown for horticultural purposes because of its beautiful appearance and because it creates good shade.

Types of persimmons

There are currently around 2,000 persimmon species in the world that have been adapted to climate conditions or where the fruits have been cultivated to make them tastier or larger. In addition to color, they can also differ in size and shape. The color varies from yellow, orange to orange-red, and the shape can be round or slightly elongated.


Tipo is one of the most recognizable species in our area. It is a very fertile variety, especially if the climate suits it. Its canopy has a pyramidal shape and is also used for decorative purposes. It has a very vigorous growth and provides good shade. The fruit is large and becomes intensely orange when ripe. The flesh can be yellow-orange in unfertilized fruits and brownish-yellow in fertilized fruits and can be eaten hard.


Sharon is a species that is relatively low and grows up to a maximum of 3 meters, so it is suitable for growing on a balcony. The fruit is round with a thin skin that is edible and dark orange to reddish in color. It has no seeds and does not contain tannin, so it can be eaten immediately. It ripens in mid-October.


Cioccolationo owes its name to the dark, brownish flesh that resembles chocolate. It also has an attractive and pyramidal crown and can grow up to 12 m in height. The fruit is very sweet even before it completely softens and ripens in October. However, the plant has a harder time withstanding cold winters and it is necessary to protect them.


Vanilla is a species that is known for the yellow color of the fruit, and that is what distinguishes it from the others. It is special in that its lower branches are quite long. It also forms a beautiful pyramidal crown. The fruit ripens in November and has a special vanilla flavor, which also resembles pear and apricot.

Hana Fuyu

Hana Fuyu is one of the older species that is characterized by a yellowish skin. It is also relatively low, so it can be grown in a small garden or on a terrace. The fruits ripen relatively early, at the beginning of October, and are very tasty and sweet. Also, they come pitted, so they are easier to eat.

Persimmon planting

If you want to grow a persimmon apple, make sure you buy quality seeds and a proven and mature seedling. There are several tips that should be followed to facilitate the growth and adaptation of the plant.

Planting time

The persimmon plant is planted in the ground in early spring. Then the soil is sufficiently thawed that it can be cultivated and the seedling itself gets used to the external conditions. The seeds can be sown at any time, but indoors. It is important that the temperature during germination does not drop below 10°C, because then the possibility of germination decreases. Also, if it is planted in the continental part, you should wait for the spring frosts to pass so as not to damage the buds.

Choosing the substrate for planting

To select the substrate for planting (grafting), choose a stratified variety of noble with which you will graft the persimmon at the end of February. Avoid grafting to the pushing bud, as research has shown that this method gives the weakest results. Research has also shown that the highest percentage of success was achieved by grafting into a gap in February, during the period of complete rest.

Planting from seeds

Kaki apple can be sown from seed, but it needs to be done under controlled conditions for better germination. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for at least 3 hours and are sown in a mixture of compost and loose soil and covered with 1 cm of soil. It is kept in a warm place because it germinates at a higher temperature. It takes about 2 weeks to germinate with a uniform temperature and proper watering. After it develops the main vein, it should be moved to a larger container.

Planting seedlings

The easiest way to be sure of persimmon planting and its good development is to plant a seedling with developed roots. In the case of persimmons, it is known that it can have a bad reception after planting, so it is necessary to use containerized seedlings that have already developed roots. Seedlings are planted outdoors in the spring when the danger of frost is over. If the winter is mild, seedlings can be planted in late autumn. The seedling is planted in a composted hole about 30 cm deep, covered with loose soil and watered after transplanting. It is necessary to support the seedling with a stake to which we tie it, in order for the trunk to strengthen and for it to develop properly. We shape the seedling according to the support and leave those young shoots that will follow the trunk. In the spring, we move the others or those that go too wide.

Cultivation in the garden

Persimmon is grown in a garden or tree line at a distance of 7 meters with other plants and trees. It forms a thick shade and it is not recommended to grow flowers or other plants under it. It needs to be provided with a sunny and warm place and sheltered from direct wind. In winter, it is resistant to temperatures down to -15°C.

Cultivation in a greenhouse

Persimmon is grown in a greenhouse in areas where the winter is very harsh or there is no possibility to protect it in any other way. Also, it is planted for greater contributions and protection from weather conditions. Lower species are more suitable in the greenhouse, which still need to be pruned so that they do not become too tall and have enough space between the branches. Under controlled conditions, early fruit ripening is possible. Also, it is necessary to provide constant irrigation.

Cultivation in containers

Persimmon can be grown in a pot until the second growing year because it grows 20 cm each year, but the plant later requires more space for root development. In a pot, it can survive up to the third year and in a minimum depth of 50 cm. Also, a sunny position and good drainage of the pot should be ensured.


For proper cultivation, it is necessary to choose well-drained soil that is rich in humus and later continue to feed it. Kaki likes to be in a sunny place, especially during autumn and the ripening of the fruit. The soil must not be very acidic, as it directly affects the quality of the fruit.

The persimmon tree thrives best in well-drained soil that is rich in oxygen, so it can be planted on a slight slope. The soil should be deep because the root develops in depth and well drained to have a passage for excess water. It thrives well on moist soil, and does not like very acidic soil either. It is good for the soil to be neutral, from 6.5 to 7.5 pH. It is not particularly demanding about the soil and can succeed even on poorer soils, but the yield and the quality of the fruit also depend on the quality of the soil.


Persimmon is a species that is adapted to warmer and tropical climates, but it can also do well in temperate continental climates. It tolerates even harsher winters, even under snow. It is suited to a climate with warmer autumns and sunny summers, so it can also be grown on the coast.

Persimmon cultivation

Growing persimmons does not require a lot of work, but it is important to act correctly in certain situations to help the plant develop properly.

Matching cultures

Persimmon is a plant that is not standard in our region, and care must be taken when combining cultures. The position with apples does not suit her because she can develop the same diseases near them. Also, it is a deciduous tree and does not like the presence of coniferous wood that acidifies the soil.

It will develop well with other fruit trees in the orchard with a minimum spacing of 7 m, and tolerates other fruits of Asian origin, such as nashi, well.


Persimmons need to be well watered in drought, otherwise the leaves and fruits may fall off prematurely. It is necessary to take care of watering during the summer and during the ripening of the fruits. Also, the soil must be permeable and not stagnant, as this risks rotting the roots. Watering during the winter should be minimal, while it increases again in the spring.


Fertilization is the most important before planting the sapling. It is necessary to enrich the hole and the area where it is planted with manure or other organic manure that has a longer effect. The tree can be fed during further growth, and it is usually done before flowering. It is fed with mineral fertilizers that can be dissolved in the water with which it is watered or added as capsules to the soil around which the roots are spread. The roots are branched and close to the surface and will soon pick up all the nutrients.


Kaki apple is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are a rarer method of propagation because they are not found in every fruit. They are as big as pumpkin seeds and don’t germinate as often. The fastest way is to use young shoots to graft them onto a long tree and become a young tree. In addition, they can grow roots and become a seedling.

Maintenance and care

Persimmon maintenance consists in pruning, which removes excess branches and gives air and light to new plants. Also, there are a few more tips to help the plant produce a better crop.

Plantation maintenance

The persimmon plant needs more attention when it is younger. The soil around the newly planted seedling needs to be cleaned of weeds and loosened so that it receives enough air. In addition, it is important to ensure coverage of the bees that pollinate the flowers so that they can later develop fruits.

Pruning and shaping

The kaki apple is especially pruned when it is young. The young twigs, which are the longest in the lower part where the crown becomes pyramidal, must be shaped against the trunk so that they do not go too wide. If the branches continue to grow vertically, they may break under the subsequent weight of the fruit. Also, branches that are older are pruned later because the persimmon produces fruit from one-year shoots. They need to be given more space and light. Except for old ones, all diseased and damaged branches are removed and are removed and burned after pruning.

Harvesting persimmons

The plant bears fruit 2 to 3 years after planting. Persimmon fruits are harvested when they become ripe and most often it is during October, although it can be later, it is more important to harvest it before the frosts. Persimmons can be harvested when fully ripe and soft or before technical maturity. It is harvested with long scissors because the stalk is completely fused with the branch. When harvesting, care should be taken not to damage the skin because it is sensitive. Also, it may be picked exclusively by hand, as neither the branches nor the fruit are damaged. Persimmon can also be dried and thus preserved. The fruit is cut into thin strips that are dried in the sun or in ovens.


When harvesting, persimmons are stored in boxes and stacked neatly one fruit on top of another. If picked before ripening, it can be kept cold and will ripen in 2 weeks. Also, it can be stored later in the refrigerator, but after a week it becomes more perishable. That is why it is necessary to freeze it for longer storage.

Diseases and pests

Kaki is a relatively new species in this area and there are no particularly recorded pests or diseases that are characteristic only for this species. Also, it is a very resistant species and does not get infected easily. However, some diseases have been observed that can appear if there is a disturbance in the climate or weather conditions.

Fruit rot

Fruit rot is a disease that occurs in apples and pears, but it is also possible in persimmons. It occurs with higher humidity after a long sunny period. Namely, then there are small sores into which the virus can enter. It appears as a brown spot that spreads and the fruit rots. It may not be immediately visible, but the fruit can spoil during transport and spoil other fruits. For protection, it is necessary to remove all visible diseased fruits and regularly prune the branches.

Of the pests, there are some predators that can directly damage the fruit, but no one can harm the tree itself.

Mediterranean fruit fly

The Mediterranean fruit fly is an insect that attacks all species that have a sweet taste and a softer interior. It lays eggs in the fruit, from which larvae develop, which further devour the fruit. Also, later the fruit dries up and falls from the tree. Larvae can stay in one place long enough to do more damage. The fly is difficult to control, only its flight and presence can be monitored. As a precaution, the entire canopy can be treated with an insecticide.


Birds are intruders who like sweet fruits, so persimmons are also interesting to them. There are many domestic species and some tear off the whole fruit, while some are satisfied with only pieces that damage the fruit. They can be prevented by placing referring pieces or protective nets.

The use of persimmons

The persimmon apple is considered a national fruit in Japan, but due to its nutritional and healing properties, it is becoming more and more popular in our area as well.

Khaki in medicine

Kaki apple is used for its antioxidants that improve the general state of immunity and have a positive effect on cellular activity. It is rich in vitamin C, which is especially important before the winter months, when it ripens.

Also, it has a lot of vitamin A which helps to preserve eyesight. Although it is often used in folk medicine, there are studies that prove that persimmon helps prevent cataracts. The Japanese apple has a positive effect on the circulatory system and digestion and improves bowel function.

However, you should be careful when consuming it because it can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure in some people, and some may develop an allergy. It is less known that the leaves can also be dried and used in the preparation of tea.

Khaki in cooking

Kaki has a sweet taste and is also known in cooking. Of course, the sweetness depends on the variety. When ripe, it can be eaten raw, although eating on an empty stomach should be avoided.

The taste will remind many of an apricot and it has a smooth and jelly-like interior. Persimmons can also be used to make jams, and fermented fruit and brandy. It is also used for ice cream, and it can also be dried as a delicious addition to cakes or as a healthy snack.

It has a small amount of carbohydrates and is good as a diet fruit.


Persimmon is primarily a fruit tree that was systematically cultivated in China and Japan, where it became part of the culture and developed more than 2,000 species.

They refined them over the years and in the 19th century it was imported to other countries, including Europe.

Persimmon is primarily grown in the Mediterranean climate, but due to the adaptation of the species, it can also be found in other climates.

Interesting things

Kaki is called “food of the gods” in Japanese. It is less known that this variety is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for good immunity. Also, it has a very lively color and is an excellent fruit tree for consumption before winter.

The fruits ripen already 2 years after planting, so it is an excellent choice for those who are impatient to get the fruits as soon as possible. Persimmon is also important as a honey plant. It develops beautiful and fragrant flowers that are happy to be pollinated by bees. Also, honey that is only made from persimmons has a pleasant taste.


Photo: Marc Pascual / Pixabay