PASIFLORA OR THE CROWN OF JESUS: Cultivation and care – what should be done to make it bloom profusely?


PASIFLORA OR THE CROWN OF JESUS: Cultivation and care - what should be done to make it bloom profusely?

Passiflora, Jesus’ crown or gentleman’s crown, (lat. Passiflora) is a climbing plant that blooms with an interesting flower during the summer. Back in the 18th century, when missionaries found it in tropical South America, they thought the flower symbolized the crucifixion.

The five anthers represent the 5 wounds of Christ, the three-parted pistil 3 nails, and the thread around the stamen a crown.

PASIFLORA OR THE CROWN OF JESUS: Cultivation and care - what should be done to make it bloom profusely?

There are several types, and only one is suitable for indoor cultivation Passiflora caeruela. Other passionflowers are kept outside, and in regions with a milder climate, they will winter without problems outdoors, as they are hardy and long-lasting plants. During the year, they can shoot shoots up to several meters long.

Cultivation and care of passionflower

They should be placed in a place where they will have enough sun, preferably somewhere leeward. Flowers appear throughout the summer, but if the summer is rainy or with little sun, flowering may be absent.

During the growing season, it needs to be watered daily, and during the winter, when it is dormant, once a week will be enough.

It needs to be fed every two weeks during intensive growth.

Be sure to keep it in a pot and do not transplant it every year because it blooms better if its roots are restrained.

You can also bury the pot in the ground, and when the temperature drops below 6 degrees, the plant should be dug up and placed in a place where it will overwinter if you are in regions where winters are severe.

At the beginning of spring, it is necessary to trim the old shoots well. Leave 7-8 eyes on the plant, it will branch, grow and bloom better.

Propagation of passionflower

It is propagated most simply by dividing young shoots that already have their roots during May or June.

A new plant can easily be obtained from a cutting. A cutting of a young shoot of about 15 centimeters is taken and stuck in a mixture of compost and sand, placed in an airy, warm and shady place.

Passionflower definitely needs a support, a stick, ladders or braids that will allow it to grow nicely.

In short – what should be done in order for passionflower to bloom better:
– at the beginning of spring, trim old shoots
– place the plant in a sunny place
– during the period of intensive growth, store it every two weeks
– do not transplant it every year

PASIFLORA OR THE CROWN OF JESUS: Cultivation and care - what should be done to make it bloom profusely?

Source: Small flower