Ornamental nettles – planting, growing, watering, propagation

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Ornamental nettle or coleus is an extremely easy plant to grow. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes mint, lemon balm, sage and some other herbs.

It does not require any special treatment and is very cheap, and the main advantage of this ornamental plant is its decorative leaves, which come in many different combinations of colors, shapes, sizes and patterns. It is suitable for growing as a houseplant, but also for planting on beds or in pots on balconies or windowsills.

Unlike common nettle leaves, ornamental nettle leaves do not sting when touched because they do not contain small crystalline needles. On the market, you can find decorative nettles in various colors, shapes and sizes – from smaller ones to hanging ones.

Types of ornamental nettles

Some varieties have a more intense color of the leaves if they are grown in a slightly shaded place, while others suit more brightly lit places.

Varieties of decorative nettles that tolerate the sun well:

  • Lime Delight Premium Sun
  • Readhead
  • Stained Glassworks
  • Marquee
  • Wizzard
  • Verse

Varieties suitable for shade or semi-shady places:

  • Color Blaze
  • Fairway
  • Main Street
  • Kong
  • Superfine Rainbow

Planting ornamental nettles

Given that young ornamental nettle plants have more attractive leaves than older ones, it is recommended to grow new ones every year, and ornamental nettles can be propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are taken in late autumn or early winter, the lower leaves are removed and placed in water. To prevent the formation of bacteria, the water should be changed twice a week.

Once the new plant has developed strong roots, you can transplant it into a container. Young decorative nettles should be planted carefully so as not to damage the roots, and they are planted in soil for flowers. It is important to ensure good drainage so that water does not collect.

Growing from seeds is done in a similar way. Ornamental nettle seeds are sown in small boxes, and young plants are later picked and planted in separate pots. When they develop, they should be transplanted into larger pots.

If you wish, you can take the container with decorative nettles out into the garden after the danger of frost has passed. You can also plant it in the ground, in a slightly shady place where the morning sun will reach it. Ornamental nettles are planted outdoors in well-drained and moist soil with a slightly alkaline reaction. The place where it will grow should be protected from the wind because decorative nettles are prone to breaking. Planting is done so that there is a distance of about 30 cm between each plant.

It looks beautiful in flower beds in combination with water lilies and begonias, but you can also combine several different types of decorative nettles to get a colorful garden bed.

Cultivation of ornamental nettle

For better vitality and compact growth of ornamental nettle, it is necessary to remove the flowers regularly. Given that they lengthen the plant and are not attractive, they should be removed immediately when the buds are set. For more compact growth, regular removal of the tops is also recommended. By removing the top parts of the nettle, the energy that would be spent on flower development is directed to the side shoots and the plant takes on a bushy appearance.

Most species of ornamental nettle can survive direct sunlight, but the color of the leaves is more pronounced if the plant is grown in a shady location. It is fed once a month with liquid fertilizer (10:10:10). You should not overdo it with fertilizer, as this could make the leaves look less attractive.

In the summer months, the leaves may drop if the plant is not watered often enough. Falling leaves and lengthening of the tree can also be a consequence of a lack of light.

The soil in which ornamental nettles grow should be kept moist, but it should not be too waterlogged. During hot summer days, nettles should be watered often because the soil should not dry out completely.

Ornamental nettle sheds its leaves in the winter months and does not look pretty, so it is not worth leaving it over the winter, unless you want to propagate it yourself in the spring. It is very sensitive to cold, so in that case it should be kept in a warm room. In winter, it should also be watered regularly, and towards the end of the winter period, it should also be fed.

However, if you take into account the fact that this plant can be obtained at a cheap price in garden centers in the spring, it is almost not worth caring for it all winter.

Interesting things

The natural habitats of ornamental nettle are the regions of Asia and Africa, and on the plantations there, this plant is considered a weed.

Due to its decorative leaves, ornamental nettle is suitable for flower bowls, baskets and various other arrangements, but we can also see it on flower beds in some parks.