Mushrooms and everything we need to know about them


Fungi are truly unique organisms that, due to their appearance and structure, cannot be classified either in the group of plants or in the group of animal organisms. It is a special group of heterotrophic organisms and only and exclusively fungi belong to it. There is no organism like mushrooms anywhere in the world, which makes them unique and special.

When most people think of mushrooms, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that there are many poisonous mushrooms in the world, which in some cases also means deadly mushrooms. There are several thousand different types of mushrooms in the world, but only a few hundred are edible, so people should be extremely careful, because even though mushrooms are tasty and nutritious, they can also cause serious health risks. The old saying that all mushrooms are edible, but some are edible only once, speaks of how often a person has been put in a situation of danger and loss of life due to not knowing the types of mushrooms and distinguishing between edible ones. and poisonous.

Mushrooms were first used in China more than two thousand years ago and were not only used for food, but were also often used for healing. This was mostly done in the countries of the Far East, but later it also reached areas closer to us, so even the Ancient Romans used mushrooms, mostly porcini mushrooms and porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms as food

Mushrooms are a very popular type of food because they taste very good, are very nutritious and can be prepared in many ways. In addition, they can be stored well, in the form of dried mushrooms, which makes them an excellent winter food, as they provide a lot of nutrients in a period when the land is poor in food.

If we look at the nutrients that the mushroom has to offer, then first we will mention protein, which is very abundant in mushrooms, much more than you would think considering that it is not a food of animal origin. Most of the mushroom consists of water and a large amount of fiber, but mushrooms are also very rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and various vitamins and minerals, of which we must mention potassium, calcium, iron and zinc.

They also contain a lot of vitamin D, which is why they are recommended in the diet of people who have various bone diseases, such as rickets.

Mushrooms – mushrooming and protection

Since mushrooms are becoming more and more popular, more and more people are collecting them in ever-increasing quantities, which is gradually endangering the large number of edible mushrooms. Due to overharvesting and habitat destruction, some mushrooms are on the verge of extinction. If you are also a mushroom picker, you have to do it in a way to protect the mushroom, that is, you must pick it only and exclusively with a knife, because it is the only mushroom that can be picked. . Do not pull it under any circumstances, as you will destroy its habitat and it will not grow back in the same place.

When you cut a mushroom, you should leave at least a third of the mushroom in that place so that it can continue to multiply and so that you can harvest this delicious fruit in that place again next year. There is also a recommended amount of mushrooms that you should harvest in 1 day, and that recommended amount is 2 kilograms.

It is also important to know that there are also legally protected mushrooms that must not be collected, and there are about 350 such species in Croatia. They are protected because the number of their habitats is decreasing, and the main reason is deforestation and excessive logging.

If you collect mushrooms, it is important to collect them from a clean environment, this means that you should definitely not consume mushrooms that grow by the roadside or next to industrial plants, because such mushrooms collect substances from the environment in which they grow, and this will mean that these mushrooms contain a very large amount of chemicals and pesticides that can also be dangerous to your health.

You will know the difference between edible and inedible mushrooms

Only excellent mushroom pickers, who have many years of experience in mushroom picking, can immediately tell at first glance whether it is an edible or poisonous mushroom. Therefore, it is important to remember that you should only collect those mushrooms that you are 100% sure are edible. There are many poisonous mushrooms that look like edible mushrooms, so it is not a good idea to guess or assume that they are mushrooms that you have already collected. Even the tiniest tiny difference between mushrooms can mean they are a completely different species that can challenge your life.

Poisonous mushrooms in Croatia

MushroomsPhoto: Pixabay

There are several types of poisonous mushrooms in Croatia, and below is a list of mushrooms that are the most common cause of poisoning, as they can easily be mistaken for edible mushrooms.

The fly agaric is certainly the most famous poisonous mushroom, after consumption of which there are various hallucinations accompanied by severe stomach pains and severe nausea. It has a recognizable red or brown color with white dots and clusters on the cap.

Luda is a type of poisonous mushroom that most often ends up in the basket of inexperienced pickers because it resembles boletus mushrooms. Ludara can cause severe indigestion that can last for days and exhausts the body to the extreme.

Závodnica is a mushroom that looks like a fox, a very tasty edible mushroom that is very popular in our area. The difference between foxglove and foxglove is that foxglove grows on trees while foxglove only grows on the ground. Eating this mushroom will lead to serious digestive problems, including diarrhea and vomiting.

The porcini mushroom is the most poisonous mushroom in the Republic of Croatia, and consumption of this mushroom very often results in death. This fungus causes severe liver damage that is often irreversible, so anyone who suspects they have eaten a green bud needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible. In the meantime, it is necessary to induce vomiting in the person and expel as much of the mushroom as possible from the stomach.

What are edible mushrooms and how to prepare them


Truffles and shiitake mushrooms, which grow underground and look like tubers, belong to the mushroom group of mushrooms – these mushrooms are known for their intense smell and are found underground by specially trained animals such as dogs or pigs.

On the territory of our country, truffles grow only in Istria, and they are harvested in autumn and winter, i.e. in the period from August to December. Truffles have a very specific and intense taste, so they are used in smaller quantities in cooking, and it is this special taste that is the reason for the high price of truffles. But truffles are also very rich in protein and fiber, almost twice as much as other mushrooms, making them more nutritious than other mushrooms.

Shiitake mushrooms are also tubers and are very similar to truffles, but they do not grow in Croatia, shiitake mushrooms can be bought in many larger stores and are very popular because they contain a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins beneficial for the whole body.


Morels are very tasty and nutritious edible mushrooms that are known for their health benefits, especially the amount of vitamin D and antioxidants. Morel protects the liver from damage and helps boost immunity. You can find this mushroom in deciduous or spruce forests, but also on river banks in spring.


Champignons are the most widespread type of edible mushroom on our market and are very popular. Mushrooms are white-gray in color, but today there are several subspecies, so there are also brown mushrooms. It can be harvested in nature from May to October, it can also be found in meadows, pastures and forest meadows.

Mushrooms are widely grown and sold in the market, and this kind of fattened mushroom has an extremely white color and a very pleasant smell and taste. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D and have anti-inflammatory properties that can help boost immunity. They are also rich in antioxidants and B vitamins. The great thing about growing mushrooms is that they can be bought all year round.

Mushrooms mushrooms

Boletus is the most popular type of edible mushroom in Croatia, along with champignons, which can be harvested from May to October in forests and forest meadows.

The mushroom cap is large, round and brown in color, the mushroom pod is belly-shaped and lighter – the mushroom has a very pleasant smell and taste and is rich in proteins and vitamins B, C, and D. We must not forget the large proportion of minerals such as potassium , calcium and iron, which can be found in porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms are suitable for drying, so they can be eaten all year round and can be used to enhance various dishes.


The oyster mushroom is a well-known edible mushroom that is also called the wild mushroom and can be harvested in autumn and winter from old beech, willow and apple trees. They are not difficult to recognize because they are shell-shaped and brown in color.

Oysters are a great food that is rich in essential amino acids and contains antibacterial properties. It is very effective in the treatment of anemia and helps with a decrease in immunity. Oyster mushrooms are grown on stumps and logs and you can easily distinguish them from other mushrooms. In addition, this mushroom is found in nature even when there are no other mushrooms.


Chanterelles are very well-known and popular mushrooms and belong to the most popular types of edible mushrooms. We can find them from June to October in dark forests on moss. Foxglove always grows in a group, not alone. Its flesh is very pleasant, if a little tough, and the taste is a little spicy.

Due to its firmness, this mushroom needs to be cooked longer and cannot be dried because of this. However, it is necessary to eat it because it is rich in vitamins A and C and contains the highest amount of carotene of any mushroom and more than most vegetables. It is also rich in amino acids, minerals and has a very high potassium content.

The best mushroom recipes in the kitchen

Mushrooms can be prepared in many ways, they are especially popular in combination with eggs and as the main ingredient for preparing a thick soup. Here’s how to prepare some of the most popular mushroom dishes.

Mushroom risotto with zucchini

Mushroom and zucchini risotto is a very simple solution for a delicious lunch, for which you need half a kilo of mushrooms, 1 zucchini, 300 grams of rice, onions, salt and pepper. The preparation is very simple.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in a spoonful of fat (recommended olive oil), then add the zucchini cut into small cubes to the onion.

Then add the rinsed rice and fry everything together and pour water or pre-prepared stock after frying. After that, it is necessary to let it simmer.

The mushrooms must be cleaned and diced and fried in a little fat, and when the rice is almost ready, we add them fried to the rice.

The ingredients for the risotto need to be well combined and seasoned, and whoever wants can add a little grated cheese for decoration and to enhance the taste.

Mushroom soup

Mushrooms are ideal for preparing thick soups, which also require very few ingredients. Prepare 300 grams of oyster mushrooms, mushrooms or champignons or a combination of all these mushrooms, some bacon, 200 ml of cooking cream and chicken stock.

In a pan, you need to fry the bacon that you previously cut into smaller pieces, then you need to add a head of finely chopped onion and garlic, and then mushrooms cut into thin strips.

After lightly frying, pour the broth over the whole dish and add all the spices and cook for about 15 minutes until everything is soft. Then add the cooking cream and cook on low heat for another ten minutes.

When serving, garnish the soup with pre-fried strips of bacon.

Mushroom scrambled eggs

All kinds of mushrooms can be prepared with eggs, just saute them on red onions until soft and then add eggs, salt and pepper.

But you can also make slightly different scrambled eggs using mushrooms and fresh cheese. Clean and finely chop the champignons and prepare 2 spring onions, which also need to be cut into rounds. Also chop some parsley.

Fry the onion in the oil and add the mushrooms and fry for 3 to 4 minutes, then pour the eggs into the container. When the eggs are cooked and the dish is ready, add 2 tablespoons of fresh cheese and mix everything well.

When you serve the scrambled eggs, sprinkle them with the fresh parsley that you chopped earlier, and you can also add a little cayenne pepper.