MOTHER-IN-LAW’S LANGUAGE: There are two reasons why you must have this plant in your home!

MOTHER IN LAWS LANGUAGE There are two reasons why you must have

MOTHER IN LAWS LANGUAGE There are two reasons why you must have

Sanseveria or mother-in-law’s tongue is a plant from the genus of leafy succulents native to tropical Africa. It is known under the names saber, saber, saber and Indian feather.

Mother-in-law’s tongue got its name because of the sharp fleshy leaves, similar to a tongue, which grow straight out of the ground and can be up to one and a half meters high.

1658913681 525 MOTHER IN LAWS LANGUAGE There are two reasons why you must have

Behind the interesting name is a plant that is ideal for growing in the house, even in the bedroom, because it produces oxygen during the night, which is rare for plants.

Some studies have shown that sanseveria removes toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and nitrogen oxides from the air. It cleans the air by absorbing toxins through the leaves and then producing pure oxygen.

This is more than a good reason to grow this particular plant in your home, but it is not the only one! In addition to purifying the air, sanseveria requires minimal care suitable for inexperienced or even slightly careless flower lovers.

During the warmer months, it is enough to water it two or three times a month, and during the winter period, watering is almost not necessary.

Sanseveria does not need a lot of light, so it thrives in shady places, but the best location for it is a bright area where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The optimal air temperature in the room where you keep it is between 15 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Transplanting and propagation of sanseveria

Sanseverias are propagated by division or leaf cuttings, with division being the easier and simpler way, and best done in spring.

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When the container has become cramped, the plant should be transplanted into a larger one. That the time has come for transplanting can be seen by the fact that the plant starts to rise from the pot and the roots are exposed.

Therefore, to prevent the roots from drying out, we transplant the plant into a larger container. The pot should be just a little bigger, because transplanting it into a much bigger one can lead to the decay of the plant.