Medvednica Nature Park – a green source of strength for the metropolis of Zagreb


Medvednica Nature Park has been known to man since ancient times, it was officially founded on June 16, 1981. Neanderthals left their mark there as early as 45,000 years ago, as evidenced by the archaeological site of the Veternica cave, and since then it has been rich in plant and animal life.

The name of this mountain clearly shows that the inhabitants of this mountain were also bears in the ancient past, and there are many legends that say that Medvednica was also a gathering place of witches who gathered at night, hidden from the eyes of people. from Zagreb.

It would be a shame to be in the capital city of Zagreb and not visit Medvednica. On an area of ​​almost 18,000 hectares, there are 70 educational hiking trails, 1,200 plant species and 70 streams, so every visitor will find an attraction for himself. There are not many mountains and nature parks near big cities that have been able to withstand the urbanization of an area like Medvednica.

Geological value of Medvednica park

Medvednica was formed almost 12 million years ago as a result of uplift of rocks between large fault plates. Medvednica owes its appearance to rocks of three different types: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks formed by the cooling of lava, but it should be emphasized that the main body of this mountain is formed by metamorphic rock.

Medvednica Nature Park also boasts a special type of karst – limestone, which has created a small number of hidden caves, pits, sinkholes and sinkholes. This is how the well-known Veternica cave was born, which is rich in many long underground channels.

We must also mention the green slate; it is a kind of metamorphosed rock with a very beautiful appearance, which was therefore used to decorate the facades of various buildings on Medvednica. One of the most beautiful examples is the use of green slate on the small chapel of Our Lady of Sljemenska.

Medvednica has always been mined for its stone wealth through quarries, of which there were once up to twelve, but today only one is in operation – the Ivanec quarry, where dolomite rocks are mined.

However, botanists, zoologists, geologists and other nature lovers hope that a new Medvednice land-use plan will soon be adopted, which would “consign the quarries to history” and develop them as paths and playgrounds that would become a tourist attraction.

Medvednica Nature ParkPhoto: Wikipedia

Water wealth in Medvednica Nature Park

The Medvednica Nature Park can also boast of great water wealth, i.e. springs and streams, the source of which is more than 700 meters above sea level. These steeply sloping mountain streams are home to a small number of fish, but several different species: trout, chub, walleye and walleye.

The stream is also home to the protected crayfish, which is becoming fewer and fewer as the water quality decreases and lives only in the cleanest waters.

Unfortunately, most bear streams are endangered because there are too many buildings around them and because of the waste water that further pollutes these clean bear waters.

Mountain flora and fauna

Thanks to the ruggedness of the relief and suitable soil types, the plant cover of Medvednice is well-preserved and very diverse.

The foot of the mountain is covered by oak forests, hornbeam forests, and the most widespread is the beech forest, which is also called the “mother of all forests”. That is why Medvednica is often said to have a “beech climate” that allows visitors to truly experience the changing of the seasons as they really are.

Due to the existence of up to 12 forest communities that allow their visitors to relax, rest and enjoy themselves in every season, up to 8 special forest reserves were declared in 1963, whose task is to manage and maintain the natural Remainder.

There are 91 strictly protected plant species in the park. Among them are three trees that are considered monuments of the nature park: the Gupča linden in Gornja Stubica, the old yew at Šupljak and the old yew at Horvatové stairs. Yew or Taxus baccata is under special care due to the frightening fact that its species is on the verge of extinction, not only in Croatia but also in Europe.

There is also a strange legend associated with the yew tree, which says that the yew tree is a tree that has supernatural powers, which will sound familiar to many, as it is the most famous evil wizard, “the one whose name is not mentioned”, i.e. Voldemort” from the Harry Potter series, was the owner of a magical yew wand.

The Medvednice foothills are surrounded by rich hornbeam and oak forests, next to which chestnut and beech forests grow. Maple, ash and honey oak are some of the forest species that so harmoniously and layeredly decorate this mountain.

In addition to protected trees, you can also spot lilies, bear orchids or catuns, which, with their rarity, exceptionally decorate the mountain meadows.

The presence of mushrooms is particularly interesting in forests. Of the 81 recorded species, even 21 of them were found nowhere else than in Croatia! Among them are edible mushrooms, but also poisonous and deadly. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what kind of mushroom it is before picking and eating it.

The very name of the mountain tells about its history of the animal world, but due to urbanization, bears have not lived on Medvednica for centuries. In addition to their disappearance, other animals such as lynx, wolves, deer and otters have also disappeared. How do we know that they were residents of Medvednica? They tell us different names of neighboring villages: Medvedski breg, Vučja jama, Vukov dol and Risovo polje.

Veternica Cave – home of bats

The Veternica cave was created by water breaking through fissures in the rocks and has channels more than seven kilometers long, making it the sixth longest cave in Croatia.

Special inhabitants of Medvednica are bats, of which up to 24 species have been recorded, and 18 species inhabit the Veternica cave. Their advantage is that one bat can eat up to six mosquitoes. In winter, during hibernation or hibernation of bats, the cave is inaccessible to visitors. Veternica is considered the oldest archaeological site in Zagreb. Numerous Neanderthals, Roman soldiers, medieval bandits, but also numerous animals such as leopards, cave lions and hyenas, rhinoceroses and giant deer have left their traces in it.

Due to its various values, Veternica was declared a geomorphological natural monument in 1979.


A special attraction in the nature park is Medvedgrad, interesting for its eventful history. It was built in the 13th century after the invasion of the Tatars in 1242, at a height of 593 meters, from the top of which there is a beautiful view of the city and the surrounding area. A number of lords resided in his fortresses, who also waged various battles. They also filled their coffers by looting the surrounding villages and sometimes attacked Zagreb itself. Counts of Celje perpetrated various terrors on the inhabitants of Gradka, who had to leave their homes in the middle of the 15th century. Even today, stories are told about a real historical figure, Barbara of Celia, known as the Black Queen, who sold her soul to the devil and whose screams still echo at night on the walls of Medvedgrad.

In 1590, a strong earthquake destroyed Medvedgrad, after which its last Gregorian rulers had to move to a much more modern and luxurious castle in Šestina. It was not until 1979 that the reconstruction of the walls and archaeological research began. An octagonal chapel of St. was discovered in the ruins. Filip and Jakov, and in 1994 the sculptor Kuzma Kovačić built the “Altar of the Fatherland”, in the center of which an eternal flame burns in honor of all Croatian heroes.

Zrinski mine – shine in the rocks

The mining garden is located near the Grafičar mountain hut and has been mined since ancient times in search of precious metals of higher value. In the 16th century, a mine called Zrinski was opened because galena was found in the garden, which was found to contain silver, and this prompted the miners to search for a new one. In search of this valuable metal, miners began to dig tunnels underground in Medvednica. Because of the strenuous work, the owners of the mine, members of the Zrinski family, decided to stop work and production in the middle of the 17th century. They left the mysterious underground of Medvednice to darkness, dampness and underground creatures.

In 2004, the mine was reconstructed for visitors, who since then listen to different stories, listen to the dripping water and admire the tools that the miners used back then.

The Zrinski mine was therefore declared a protected cultural monument of the Republic of Croatia in 2006. It’s worth visiting it for an unforgettable experience!

Interesting activities

In addition to Medvednica offering diversity in the cultural sense of walking in nature, for those with an adrenaline spirit, there are various activities that will help them maintain their vitality and allow them to escape from the hustle and bustle of the big city.


The Golubovec pond and the sports-recreational pond Jarak offer visitors a good catch. The ponds are inhabited by carp, grass carp, redfin, perch, and in addition to these fish, gray herons and pond turtles can be seen. Crayfish were also found during the cleaning, which indicates that the ponds are exceptionally clean. Promenades are arranged on the embankments around the lake. There is a fisherman’s house with a covered terrace and an equipped grill by the Jarak pond. This means that you will be able to enjoy the caught fish right away!

Paragliding and flying – for the more daring

Medvednica airport, known as Glista start, is located near Jakovlje. From the very beginning, the landing site is not visible, but immediately after take-off, it is possible to see meadows that serve as an alternate landing site. The official landing place is a large parking lot at the foot of Gornja Bistra. From the air, there is an interesting view of Oršić Castle, which is also a very useful monument.

Educational trails are offered by Medvednica

Of the numerous educational trails, the most attractive are the Bliznec forest trail and the 500 Horvat steps.

The twin forest trail is special in that it is fully adapted to visitors with disabilities. You will learn a lot about the history of Medvednica, as well as its special flora and fauna, while walking around its 800-meter area. In 2003, the path was enriched with the Way of the Cross, which the faithful faithfully visit every Good Friday. The trail is built mainly of wood, which fits nicely into the natural environment, and ends at the twin sawmill, where the restaurant is today.

500 Horvat steps are the work of Vladimír Horvat, journalist, photographer and great lover of Medvednice. In 1946, he started building stone steps, which you can follow to discover dark caves and beautiful viewpoints. Its steps are completely integrated into nature, as if they have always been an integral part of the karst rock formations. They are a beautiful proof that nature and man can co-exist, but it just takes a little effort.

In addition to numerous nature trails for walking and hiking, there are also eight circular cycling trails.

If you are looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, a place where you can spend time with your family or go on an independent short trip, the Medvednica Nature Park is the right choice for you. Breathing fresh and clean mountain air is motivation enough for everyone.