Indoor palm – planting, cultivation, maintenance, propagation

palma srece

House palms have been decorating homes since ancient times, and they experienced their greatest popularity in the 20th century and until the end of the Second World War. Even today, they are a frequent decoration of indoor spaces since they easily adapt to room temperatures and most can thrive in darker places.

Indoor palms come from tropical and subtropical regions, and there are slightly more than 1000 species. Some of them are quite resistant and won’t mind the dry warm air in the winter months, and you can also place them in a place where there is no direct light and where you can’t grow some other plants that need the sun to grow.

They grow very slowly, and can bloom only if you take them out into nature, and even then only when they reach a great age.

Types of indoor palms

We distinguish several types of palm trees:

  • Palm of happiness (mountain palm)
  • Coconut palm
  • Low hum
  • Kentia

Palm of happiness (mountain palm)

Lucky Palm or Chamaedorea elegans Mart. originates from the tropical forests of Latin America. It usually grows in Guatemala and southern Mexico, and in our areas it has succeeded as a houseplant. Its stem is upright and grows up to three meters. Its flowers are somewhat unsightly, and the fruit is in the form of an orange drupe about 1 centimeter in size.

It needs indirect light for its growth, and it will also succeed in darker rooms, because it adapts well to the lack of light. A high percentage of moisture and dry air suit her, and although she doesn’t mind neglect, she will grow better if you take care of her properly and regularly.

It likes permeable and humus soil with a small percentage of sharp sand.

In the summer, water it abundantly and feed it once a month with mild liquid fertilizer. Keep it in a bright place in the shade and protected from drafts.

The ideal temperature for the growth of the lucky palm is from 13 to 18 degrees, and when it is dormant, it will also be suitable from 10 to 13 degrees.

Propagation is carried out at slightly higher temperatures of 25 to 27 degrees, and transplant it only if necessary and in the spring months so that the roots are not overburdened.

Coconut palm

The coconut palm or Cocos nucifera is an indoor palm that requires a bit more care and maintenance. It is important to note that this is not a type of palm that produces fruits in the form of coconuts. Due to her fragile appearance, she is often called the queen of palm trees. It grows very slowly and can reach a maximum height of three meters.

It is not recommended for beginners because the first two to three years are crucial for its survival, and after that you never know how long it will live.

It is necessary to keep it in the room throughout the year and provide it with enough light, but at the same time protection from the sun. You can take it outside for a short time in the summer months to ensure good ventilation.

It requires a lot of water, i.e. regular and abundant watering and frequent spraying. It needs a lot of moisture and a constant temperature of around 20 degrees, and a minimum of 18 in winter.

The coconut palm is planted in a container without holes, because the very main root could quickly pass through them.

During cultivation, it is important to keep in mind that the soil of this palm tree must never dry out and the soil must be kept constantly moist. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves could turn yellow, which could reward the beauty of the coconut palm.

From March to August, it needs to be fertilized every two weeks, and it is transplanted only when the roots fill the entire container.

It is propagated from coconuts or seeds, but it is a complicated and time-consuming process that is not recommended to be done at home, as it requires a constant high temperature and a high percentage of moisture.

Low hum

Chamaerops humilis grows in southern Europe and northern Africa. There are three varieties of the plant, and they differ in leaves and habitat. This palm tree is grown in our areas as a decorative indoor plant. It grows like a bush, and in its natural habitat it can grow up to 5 meters.

It is looking for a place with a lot of sun, and it can withstand relatively low temperatures of up to minus 12 for a short time. Reproduction is done by young shoots at temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees.

It is looking for well-drained soil in which it is necessary to add a little sand and a little more abundant watering during the growth phase. In winter, it is only necessary to keep the soil moist, and older plants tolerate drought well.

Feeding is done once a month with liquid fertilizer, and it is transplanted when the root completely fills the pot.


It is one of the most luxurious palms with the Latin name Kentia forsteriana. It needs a lot of light to grow, and although it can grow in partial shade, this will affect its growth. In order for it to grow well, it needs good drainage and a large container. The substrate must be moist, but not too waterlogged, and the leaves should be sprayed regularly.

It is not recommended to keep it in winter at less than 15 degrees. And to achieve a lush look, plant several plants in the same container.

This indoor palm can live for more than 80 years.

Planting an indoor palm tree

If you grow indoor palm trees, some basic care and maintenance requirements must be met in order for them to grow and thrive properly. Indoor palm trees should be provided with enough light, but not too much sun, fertilizer and water, as well as the right temperature.

Plant them in deep pots so that the roots can develop properly. Namely, indoor palm trees usually develop a large root over time.


The soil in which you will plant indoor palm trees should be one-third peat, one-third sand and one-third soil from the garden. Pure humus is not recommended for palm trees.


Like improper and excessive watering, too much fertilization can harm palm trees. And it will cause the appearance of brown tips on the leaves and the death of the plant. Make sure that the fertilizer never accumulates in one place and dries out, as this can lead to burns on the leaves.

A diluted liquid fertilizer will suit them best in the phase of active growth. The palm’s active period is from the end of winter to autumn.

If you are not sure how much fertilizer your palm tree needs, always add less.


Since these are tropical plants, they need a warm temperature. The best temperature for growing house palms is between 15 and 21 degrees during the day, while at night it should drop to only 15 degrees.

In winter, when the plants are not active, they can tolerate a slightly lower temperature between 12 and 15 degrees.

If they are exposed to lower temperatures, the leaves are damaged, i.e. they get brown spots. Keep them as far away from wind and drafts as possible, i.e. not near doors and windows.

Adequate light must also be provided to indoor palm trees. They will not like too little, but neither too much light. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to turn gray and brown, after which the palm tree can dry out and die.


If the palm tree does not get enough water, its leaves may dry out and turn brown at the edges. Their soil should always be moist, but never too waterlogged.

Propagation of indoor palm

Propagation of the palm tree is done by seeds, but for this you will need the warm air of the greenhouse. If you have enough patience and will, you can also try at home. Namely, sometimes it is necessary to wait more than a year for the seed to start germinating.

The palm tree grows very slowly, so for this reason saplings are usually bought two or three at a time. In addition to being slow growing, so young, they are very fragile and sensitive to changing conditions, so they sometimes need more than two years to continue growing.

Indoor palm cultivation

Remove dead leaves regularly, and damaged and dry leaves should be removed at the beginning of spring or every other year.

It is recommended to take them out into the garden or place them on the balcony in the summer months. It is important that the place is protected from the wind and not in direct sunlight so that the leaves do not dry out and fall off. It is necessary to water them abundantly, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If they are not in areas where it rains, spray their leaves occasionally to freshen them up.

In the autumn months, the palm should be brought indoors. And while some can survive the winter in a basement where there is enough light, some species should still be kept in a room that is not heated. There are also species that will not mind the warm and dry air in the heated room.

In the winter months, the indoor palm tree needs to be watered, and it will depend on the room where we keep it. If the room is not too warm, water it once a week and more abundantly, while in heated rooms watering is needed more often, two to three times a week. Also, don’t forget about the leaves, which need to be wiped with a damp cloth to keep them clean of pests and dust. However, be careful not to overwater as this could cause root rot.

They will need a little more water in the phase of more intensive growth, while feeding is recommended once a month with liquid fertilizer.

If you keep the palm tree in too warm a place during the winter, there is a possibility that it will be attacked by aphids or aphids. Check the leaves regularly, and if aphids appear, look for a remedy in the store to get rid of them. It is necessary to react as soon as possible because an excessive amount of palm lice can be fatal. In this case, it can dry out, and the attacked leaves must be cut off.

Young indoor palm trees are transplanted in the spring months into suitable soil. A mixture of sand and old clay will suit them. Plant them in containers where water can drain freely at the bottom. When planting an indoor palm tree, compact the soil well around the roots. After planting, carefully water the house palm. Palm trees take root slowly, so in the beginning it is only necessary to fertilize them a little, until they grow strong roots.

It is sufficient to transplant older palm trees every five years, and even older ones, every 10 years. In their case, it is only necessary to loosen the soil on the surface of the container and replenish it with new soil if necessary. For older palm trees, no additional feeding is required when transplanting. Palm trees are fed every two weeks with a fertilizer solution in the summer months.

Photo: Pluume321/Wikimedia