How to Make Fertilizer Using Rice Washing Water and Milk (Lactobacillus sp Serum)

When I first received concerned in natural farming, I typically heard the phrase EM within the manufacture of natural fertilizers. Can we make our personal EM utilizing substances we now have within the kitchen? After doing a little analysis, I share with you the way to make EM utilizing rice washing water that’s normally watered for vegetation and recent milk.

What precisely is that this EM? EM (efficient microorganisms) are helpful microbes with varied makes use of. One of the micro organism current in EM is Lactobacillus. We could make this EM ourselves with solely the substances within the kitchen.

READ >>> What Is EM? Benefits of EM To Your Garden

Recipes for Making Your Own EM


  1. Rice washing water (washing with out chlorine) – 200 mL
  2. Rubber bracelets – 2 bracelets
  3. Paper – 2 sheets
  4. 1L container
  5. 5L bucket
  6. Boxed cow’s milk – 2 L

How to make:

Phase 1:

  1. Fill the rice washing water into the container
  2. Cover the container with paper and tie with a rubber band
  3. Manufacture date label
  4. Soak the water for 3 to 5 days.
  5. Peramin turns into when the water smells bitter and types 3 layers. Filter this firmware for the subsequent course of.
  • The high layer is a white stable – carbohydrates and fungi
  • The center layer is liquid yellow – lactic acid micro organism
  • The backside layer is thick white – fats and starch

Phase 2:

  1. Mix this marinade with milk in a bucket. The combination ratio is 1:10. It means if 200 mL of peramin liquid is blended with 2L of milk.
  2. Cover the bucket with paper and a rubber band
  3. Manufacture date label
  4. Ferment this combination for five to 7 days.
  5. After every week, two layers will kind which is a layer of condensed milk on high and beneath is the serum of lactic acid micro organism.
  6. Separate and filter the highest layer. This layer of condensed milk might be made into cheese or used as animal feed or compost materials
  7. Can retailer this serum in a bottle

For longevity, combine this EM serum with molasses. Molasses is brown sugar that has been cooked with water till it melts. The ratio is 1 half EM serum + 1 half molasses.

Alternatively, we are able to combine this serum with brown sugar or uncooked sugar with the identical ratio of 1:1. For instance 1L EM serum + 1kg brown sugar.

Store this EM serum in a darkish and cool place.

Measures and How to Use EM (Effective Microorganism)

  • For fertilization:
    Mix 2 tablespoons of EM with 1L of water. Can be sprayed immediately on the leaves, stems and base of vegetation and soil, or blended with different liquid fertilizers.
  • To take away the odor of animal feces:
    Mix 2 tablespoons of EM with 1L of water. Give the livestock to drink the combination and additionally spray on the animal’s feces.
  • Accelerate the composting course of: Spray or sprinkle on the compost,
  • Reduces aquarium algae: add a couple of tablespoons to the aquarium
  • Making bran bokashi and bokashi compost
  • Made IMO5
  • Clean up polluted rivers and ditches

Good luck everybody!


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