How to get rid of weeds in the garden


Weeds are one of the biggest problems of every gardener, especially those who do not like chemicals among their plants. Although the term does not exist in organic plant production, it is related more to conventional agriculture, and weeds are called for all plants that are not desirable and primary for cultivation.

However, even though some plants are not primary for growing the plants you have planted, it does not mean that they are harmful. Undesirable plants are those that stop the growth of other primary plants with their growth and spread at an exceptional speed, for example slak, pyrica, five-toed, fairy hair and the like. It is precisely with these plants that gardeners fight hard. There are a couple of ways to get rid of this weed – by treatment and mechanically.

Natural ways to get rid of weeds

Below are the basic ways you can get rid of weeds in your garden.

Start as early as possible

Weed the garden early and often to prevent weeds from taking over. When weeding, place the hoe horizontally with the soil to scrape up the weed roots as much as possible. Try not to dig too deep, as this can bring weed seeds to the top of the soil, which will continue to grow.

Burn it

If you have that little culinary burner, feel free to use it to burn the weeds, and you can also pour boiling water over it, just be careful not to touch the other, good plants.

“Pack” the plant

To protect the plants from weeds, “pack” them around the roots with an organic mulch made of compost, straw or sawdust. Mulching was modeled after the forest system in order to suppress the growth of unwanted plants. It is only necessary to put a sufficient layer so that the plants cannot sprout, and the thickness depends on the type of soil, the culture and its exposure. It is recommended to apply a layer with a thickness of 5 to 20 centimeters.


Before you even start planting vegetables and herbs, pull out all the weeds from the garden, but be sure to pull out the entire root, otherwise if even a small part of the root remains, a new plant will definitely grow.

Lime and herbicides

On the ground where your garden should be in the spring, put some lime in granules in the fall. Most weeds cannot grow in soil full of alkali, which is obtained from lime. The same applies to the herbicides that are most often used in traditional agriculture. Just keep in mind that the use of herbicides is prohibited in organic gardening. Instead, you can use alcoholic vinegar, which is a natural and organic substitute for herbicides.

Photo: javallma/Pixabay