How to get rid of moss in the garden


Moss is a small, delicate, low flowerless plant that has a simple stem and leaves and a weak root. Moss has characteristics that make it different from other woody plants, and it is often classified as a weed since it can cause major problems on lawns, gardens, yards, holes, asphalt, house roofs… Moss is a plant that has a very poorly developed cuticle. . The cuticle is the protective layer of the plant, and it is compared to human skin. Just as the skin protects a person, the cuticle protects plants from drying out. A poorly developed cuticle is the reason why moss is most often found in wet areas.

Moss is considered a great enemy of all surfaces, especially green ones. It spreads quickly and needs to be controlled regularly so that it does not completely choke the lawn. It often appears on poorly ventilated soil, shady locations and poorly fertilized lawns. However, it can also appear in places where lawns are exposed to the sun all day. Mowing too low can also be one of the reasons why moss has appeared. A nice moss-free lawn will take a lot of consistency and patience.

Moss on the lawn

Moss appeared 450 million years ago and can be found on almost all continents. It is a group of plants without a developed conduction system, which is why they are called non-vascular plants. Moss can reach a size of up to 10 cm, and the only exception is the type of moss from the genus dawsonia. Dawsonia superba can grow up to 50 cm. There are about twenty thousand types of moss in the world, and in Croatia there are about 1,200 of them.

Main groups of mosses

  • liverworts
  • real mosses
  • anthocerotales

Regardless of the species, they all reproduce sexually and asexually, and use water for fertilization. If there is no water, they develop reproductive bodies and reproductive buds and thus reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction takes place on the basis of female and male structures.

Controlling moss in the garden

There are two types of measures to control moss, and they are divided into:

  • chemical – timely fertilizing, checking acidity, loosening, avoiding low mowing, draining
  • agrotechnical – use of chemical preparations

In Croatia, there are only two types of herbicides that are used to control moss. The preparations can be found under the names ASEF (herbicidal fertilizer for lawns) and MOGETON. ASEF consists of MCPA and MCPP herbicides, iron sulfate and complex fertilizer. It is used in the amount of 35 g/m2. ASEF suppresses moss and at the same time fertilizes the lawn and gets rid of weeds. MOGETON is a chemical preparation that, in addition to moss, works well on lichens and algae. It is used in a dose of 150 g/100 m2.

Avoid using chemical agents on wooden surfaces due to possible damage. For wooden surfaces, it is best to stick to proven household tricks.

Scarifier against moss

A scarifier is a gardening tool used to remove the resulting moss. The scarifier has spines with a knife and is an excellent choice for those who avoid using chemical agents. This useful gardening tool removes the root system, thus preventing the growth of moss. A scarifier will do the best job if the grass is well cut and dry enough.

Suppression of moss using lime

Moss often grows on insufficiently prepared soil. Impermeable layers are formed on such soils where water is retained and leads to the formation of moss. When raising green areas, pay attention to the amount of fertilizer you apply. Due to an insufficient amount of fertilizer, space will be created for moss.

You can use the lime method to combat moss. Add lime and 5 dekagrams of salt to 10 liters of water. The amount of lime we add will be determined by the type and pH of the soil. For example, sandy soils have a pH of less than 5.5, which means that you will use 150 grams of lime for every square meter of such soil. On loamy soil with the same pH value as sandy soils, 300 grams of lime is applied per square meter.

Mix lime, water and salt and spray the resulting mixture on the lawn. Wait for the moss to dry and then remove it completely with a rake.

Moss on concrete

The appearance of moss on concrete is a common occurrence in many yards. Use boiling water and a brush to remove moss from the concrete slab. After watering with boiling water, the low tree will soften. Brush such softened moss off the concrete. In large supermarkets, you can find special brushes designed exclusively for moss. After brushing, remove the remaining moss with a water hose.

In addition to boiling water, baking soda is also used against moss on concrete. Add baking soda to lukewarm water, and spray the resulting moss on the resulting solution. After you rinse everything thoroughly, the moss should disappear.

Moss on a tree

As we mentioned earlier, moss thrives in dark, but also damp places. Due to the lack of direct sun on the north side of the tree, it is easy to get moss. We can also see moss on more neglected fruit trees.

In order to help the fruit trees to grow again smoothly, it is necessary to carefully scrape the moss from the branches and the tree, and also remove any lichens.

For long-term moss removal, it is not enough to sanction the moss once and expect it to never appear again. If you have not determined the cause of the appearance of moss, there is a high chance that moss will live again in your garden. The most common causes of the appearance of moss are: poor soil preparation, poor choice of grass, lack of fertilizer, low mowing, poor drainage and pronounced soil acidity. Pay attention to these six causes first and try to change them.

Author: AA, Photo: aitoff / Pixabay