Growing herbs on the balcony

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Regardless of whether you have a garden or not, you can successfully grow herbs in pots, boxes or other containers on the balcony or terrace and thus have fresh aromatic herbs throughout the year. So that they are always at hand, you can keep the plants on the sunny side of the terrace, balcony or windowsill in the kitchen itself.

When growing herbs on the balcony or terrace, the adage that more is more is true, because if you start with many types of herbs at once, you can end up with a huge amount of spices that you simply won’t be able to use. It should be kept in mind that herbs should be constantly cut or torn, as this will encourage more vigorous growth and strengthening of the plants themselves. To begin with, it is enough to choose 3 to 5 spices that you use most often when cooking.

Cultivation of spices on the balcony

Since most herbs grow wild in nature, they have developed the ability to spread quickly to survive among larger plants. Such plants also include thyme and oregano, so you need to be careful how and where you plant them.

Plant a maximum of three types of spices in one standard balcony box about 60 cm long, leaving space between the plants. You can combine two upright growing herbs with one creeping one. For example, thyme, basil and oregano can go together, with the fact that the basil is placed in the middle because it is the tallest, and the oregano will need to be tamed a little from time to time.

If you want to grow each herb individually, it is a good idea to choose a jar with a diameter of at least 10 cm, as the herbs will spread quickly and the jar will eventually become too tight. For spices that develop stronger roots over time, such as fennel, celery and parsley, you should choose a slightly larger and deeper jar (at least 15 cm in diameter).

A container that you can transport is a much better choice than a window box, you can move it to a warmer place in the winter so that it retains its leaves almost all year round. Every few years, it is necessary to thin out the roots of the herb plants, because they will become too crowded in the pot, and in this case the sprouts will be weaker.

If you decide to grow mint, do not combine it with other spices because it will quickly overpower them.

Care of herbs

In order to prevent the plants from rotting and decaying when growing spices, it is important to ensure soil drainage before planting. Drainage can be made from pebbles that you can collect at the sea while you are at the beach, ordinary gravel and alumina that can be bought in almost all garden centers.

The drainage material is placed at the bottom of the jar, under the soil in a layer several centimeters thick (depending on the size of the jar). This way we will be sure that the water will not stay around the roots.

Herbs do not like too wet soil, so it is important to water them more often, but in small quantities. If the leaves of the plants start to dry, check the soil, if it is wet you should reduce watering.

When the plants bloom, they should be shortened so that the branches do not get too long and do not take on an unattractive appearance. The plant should be carefully shortened, not too short, otherwise the whole plant could dry out.

Types of herbs for growing on the balcony

It is known that plants need a sufficient amount of light to grow. Parsley, basil, rosemary, coriander, dill, sage, oregano, marjoram, thyme, thyme and tarragon are dependent on the sun. The terrace, window or balcony where you plan to grow herbs should face south or southwest. Spices that can be grown on a balcony, terrace or window facing east, west or northwest are chives, lemon balm or lemon balm, mint, angelica and rue.


Laurel does not like too wet soil, so it is best to plant it in a container with a good drainage system. The container should have slightly larger than average holes at the bottom so that the water can drain faster. A balcony or a window that faces west or east is most suitable for laurel. It is necessary to take care that insects do not appear on the stems and leaves of the plant, and you can ensure this by coating the leaves with neem oil.


Basil likes strong light and warmth, and a western or southern balcony or window suits it best. So, if it is kept on the balcony or terrace during warmer weather, basil should be moved indoors in late autumn. Basil is best grown from seed, but if you buy a seedling at a garden center, just transplant it into a larger jar. It needs to be watered often, but you should not overdo it because it does not tolerate a lot of water well.


Chives are an ideal herb for the balcony, since it does not need to be brought inside during the winter because it tolerates low temperatures on the continent very well. Chives grow best in bright light, and the best position for them is a south-facing balcony. If you are a beginner, then it is best to buy a plant in a garden center and later transplant it into rich organic soil.

Peppermint or peppermint

Peppermint or mint prefers a southern position and does not like to be in the shade. In our region, mint can even overwinter because temperatures down to -20 degrees do not harm it, and under snow it can withstand even lower temperatures.


Thyme is a very rewarding type of herb to grow because it doesn’t need a lot of water. In conditions of increased humidity, it can get sick, so it is necessary to grow it in jars with larger holes at the bottom and in a position with a lot of sun, because it prefers drought.


Oregano is an integral part of Mediterranean cuisine and this plant does not have great requirements when it comes to watering. When growing oregano, care should be taken that the soil is not too wet. It prefers sunny places because it has a great need for light and heat, and it is best to plant it in larger jars.


Parsley is one of the most common spices grown here. It suits loose, fertile soil and a warm and sunny place. It does not like direct sun because its leaves start to turn yellow. There should always be a little water in the saucer under the jar, and the parsley leaves themselves can be sprayed with water. A classic flower pot is sufficient for growing parsley, since it does not have a large root. After large stalks with leaves have grown, it is necessary to trim the parsley regularly with garden shears.


Rosemary is a little different from other spices because it takes longer to germinate. For planting, it is preferable to have fresh seeds and sow them in April. Rosemary normally likes a lot of sun, but it can also thrive in the shade. As for younger rosemary plants, it would be preferable to remove them from the balcony during colder days.

Although there are some types of herbs that can overwinter on the balcony, most of them do not tolerate low temperatures, so take care to move them to a warmer place in time.

Photo: evitaochel/Pixabay