Grapes – cultivation, wine, table and seedless varieties

grozdje na lozi

Grapes are a fruit that grows on a permanent vine (Vitis vinifera L.), which belongs to the Vitaceae family. The cultivated form of the vine is called Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera.

Grapes grow on vines with strong and well-developed roots. The clusters are located on a stem that can reach a height of up to 20 meters. The branches of the stem are full of furrows, and their color varies from dark yellow to red-brown. Older plants can be recognized by the fact that their bark peels more. In order for the stems to grow, they need support, which can be in the form of a pergola, tendril, bushes or trees.

On the stems there are green leaves from 7 to 15 cm in size that spread from long petioles. In some places on the leaves there are finely incised lobes, while their edges are jagged. Small hairs can be noticed on the reverse side. In some varieties, the leaves change color to red during autumn.

Before the clusters begin to develop, the vines go through a period of flowering which is actually very short. Just a few days. But the flowers are a beautiful yellow-green color, they are small and regular, and they come in groups. Double flowers consist of calyx and corolla. A carpel with two seeds is placed in the pistil.

In our areas, grapes reach their maturity during the summer months, usually in August and September, which depends on the variety and the growing area itself, that is, on the climate. In the Mediterranean parts of Croatia, grapes ripen earlier.

Grapes have been cultivated since ancient times, and historical records say that they were originally grown somewhere on the border of the Black and Caspian seas. However, some other historians claim that grapes were first grown in the Mediterranean.

The difference between wine and table grape varieties

So far, more than 8,000 different grape varieties have been discovered. There are wine and table grape varieties, and which variety we choose to grow depends on whether we want to grow grapes for wine production or for eating.

The difference between table and wine grape varieties is huge. They differ in production and morphological characteristics. In the production of wine varieties, the production characteristics are more important, while the aesthetic appearance of the grapes is less important. On the contrary, with table varieties, more attention is paid to the appearance of the berries and the cluster itself.

For table varieties, it is desirable that they have medium-sized bunches, sufficiently loose, with oval or elongated, large berries of uniform color and uniform size. Of course, the taste of grapes itself is appreciated, and the muscat aroma is especially appreciated.

Wine grape varieties

In our areas, the most cultivated grape varieties are the following:

  • white wine varieties
  • red wine varieties
  • red wine varieties

Immediately after them, come the table varieties of wine, the use of which is becoming more significant and wider.

Wine varieties for white wines (high quality)

Below we present the most famous high-quality wine varieties for making white wines.


A wine variety well known to everyone, it originates from a country known for its wines – France. For a long time it was thought that it was actually a type of Pinot white, but later it was determined that it was created by crossing Gauois blanc and Pinot noir.

Chardonnay ripens in the second period, its fertility is regular and good, as well as fertilization.

However, although it is resistant to low temperatures, it can be damaged by gray mold, namely Botrytis cinerea.

Wines from this grape are of high quality, pleasant aroma and good acidity, light yellow to green in color.

It has been in high demand lately on our and foreign markets.

There are numerous clones, and Muscat has a pleasant smell.

White pinot (pinot blanc, white burgundy)

It is a variety from the Pinot group, and it was created by mutation of the bud itself from Pinot Noir. Its ripening time is in the second period.

Fertilization is regular and high-quality, and this variety is resistant to low temperatures, but sensitive to the appearance of Botrytis, just like Chardonnay. The yield of the variety can vary and depends on the quality of the planting material.

It collects a lot of sugar and acid on the berries. The taste of the wine is harmonious with specific and pleasant aromas and a light yellow color.

Pinot Gris (Roulender, Burgundy Gris)

Also one of the varieties from the Pinot group, which was created by mutation from the very bud of Pinot Noir. The ripening time is the same as for Pinot white – in the second period.

The clusters of this variety have gray-blue berries, and the amount of sugar that accumulates in them gives wines of exceptional quality. It produces somewhat lower yields, but it is a question of high-quality wines, light yellow to gray in color, with a recognizable aroma and softness.

Pay attention to quality grape processing.

Rhine Riesling

It originates from the Rhine valley in Germany, and it is an old and recognizable variety. Ripening of this variety is expected at the very beginning of the third period.

This species is resistant to low temperatures, and some of its clones can achieve extremely high yields.

Although grape berries accumulate slightly more sugar, they also deposit more total acids.

Be careful with fertilization because this species is sensitive to excess nitrogen. It can also be attacked by Botrytis.

Its wines are of high quality, with a special taste and aroma, and it is recommended for the production of premium wines.

Sauvingnon white

The mentioned type of wine originates from France, and is grown on our territory in continental Croatia. Her wines have a recognizable aroma and quality. The amount of sugar is satisfactory.

Its growth is luxuriant, and you need to be especially careful when pruning. Requires a green cut. Sauvingon white can often be affected by rot, and it is resistant to low temperatures.

Its yield is low, but it is a wine that is called the “king of wine” and the “wine of kings”.

Silvanac green

This variety is the most widespread in the territory of Slovakia, Austria and Germany, and lately it has been planted more and more here. Ripening is in the second period.

In the spring months, it starts growing late, and it is sensitive at the time of flowering when unfavorable weather conditions bother it. Like most species in this group, it is susceptible to the fungal disease Botrytis.

It has regular yields, and is resistant to medium-low winter temperatures.

His wines are known for their quality, pleasant taste and aroma, light green color.

Traminac red

It is believed to have originated in Tramin, a town in South Tyrol, and from there it spread throughout the world. In Croatia, it is most often grown in the continental part.

This high-quality variety can collect a lot of sugar and a little acid, and ripens in the second period.

Excessive fertilization bothers her, and she is resistant to cold and low temperatures.

It produces small to medium yields.

Its wines are characteristic of the variety, sometimes insufficiently balanced due to the low percentage of acids. This is exactly why the harvest time is extremely important. It is recommended for the production of premium wines.

In this species there is also Trimanic fragrant, whose fertility is weaker, but much more pronounced.

Muscat Ottonel

It comes from France, its vigor is weaker, and it ripens very early. It is a high quality species with a low nature.

When growing this species, lush substrates are recommended, and the variety is resistant to low temperatures.

The smell of the wine is extremely musky.

Wine varieties for white wines (good quality)

Below we present good quality wine varieties for making white wines.

Graševina white (Laska Riesling, Italian Riesling, peas)

It is most often grown in continental Croatia, and one of the reasons is its resistance to low temperatures. It is moderately lush, its fertilization is good, and the yield is regular.

The quality of wine depends on the ecological conditions of production.

It ripens late, during the third period.

Malvazija Istria white

Although it is considered an autochthonous Istrian variety, its name indicates that it is probably of Greek origin. Due to somewhat weaker fertilization, it is classified as a species of medium or lower fertility. Vegetation of this variety grows abundantly, and pinching of saplings is recommended for cultivation. It reaches maturity in the third period.

Her wines are harmonious and delicate, of outstanding quality and with a recognizable aroma and taste.

Rizvanac white

It is most commonly grown in Germany, and was created by crossing Madeleine Royale and Rhine Riesling. It is of good quality and of medium luxuriance. It reaches maturity in the third period, and can be damaged by Botrytis.

His wine has pleasant and delicate aromas, harmonious and light.

Scarlet white

It is an autochthonous Croatian species that is most often grown in Moslavina, Pokuplje and Vukomericke gorice. Although its growth is lush, due to somewhat weaker fertilization, it does not reach regular maturity. Pinching of saplings is recommended.

The wine is of high quality, especially the one whose vines grow in more southern locations.

Its taste is sour and full with a pronounced special aroma.

Moslavina white

It is assumed that Moslavina white is our autochthonous species, and it is mostly grown in the area of ​​northwestern Croatia. The growth of this vine is luxuriant, but it should be noted that at the time of flowering, as well as at the time of fertilization, it is sensitive to unfavorable weather conditions and low temperatures during winter. The yields of this vine are variable, that is, they vary. Pinching is recommended. The ripening time is in the third period.

Moslavina white wines are of medium quality with a slightly more accentuated note of acidity. These are wines whose aroma is specific, but at the same time weakly emphasized.

Wine varieties for white wines (medium quality)

Below we present the most important wine variety of mediocre quality for making white wine.

Red Kingdom

This Croatian autochthonous species is mostly planted and grown in the Prigorje-Bilogora area. Its growth is luxuriant, and the vine is strong, but its bearing is not regular. There are three types of this species, besides red, spotted and green.

If it is planted on southern exposures with a good soil composition, it can produce almost good quality wines, although most of them are mediocre wines.

The wine is fresh, delicate and has a pleasant aroma.

Wine varieties for red wines (high quality)

See which wine varieties are the most important for high-quality red wines.

Little Plavac

It is an indigenous Croatian type of wine whose vines are mostly cultivated in the area of ​​central and southern Dalmatia. Its vine is medium to very lush, and it can achieve stable and regular lushness.

The quality of the wine depends on the area where the grapes are grown, and some of the most famous are the areas of Postup, Žuljana and Dingač on Pelješac, then the areas of southwestern Korčula, Brač and Hvar. The ripening time is in the fourth period.

The wines of this variety are soft and full, with delicious and delicate aromas, and this variety is recommended for the further production of premium wines.

Pinot noir (pinot noir, burgundy black)

It originates from France, and can generally be praised as one of the oldest varieties. It is grown all over the world. And from this variety, by mutation of the skin color of the grape, the Pinot White and Pinot Gris varieties were created.

In our areas, it is most often grown in the area of ​​Istria and the continent. It ripens in the first period.

The variety is medium-growing, low-growing, but of excellent quality.

The wines of the mentioned variety are of excellent quality, red in color, soft and harmonious.

Cabernet Sauvignon

It originates from France and can be found in all countries of the world. It was created by crossing Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Franc. In our areas, it is grown in Dalmatia and Istria.

Its ripening time is in the third period. It gives birth regularly, although not much, but that’s why it is of excellent quality.

The wine has a recognizable and specific smell and taste with an accentuated ruby ​​red color.

Wine varieties for red wines (good quality)

The following are wine varieties for good quality red wines.

Babić is black

This autochthonous Croatian variety is mostly grown in the area of ​​central and southern Dalmatia. Her fertility is stable and regular, and the ripening time is at the end of the third period and the beginning of the fourth.

The quality of wine depends on the location where it is grown, and the best quality will be achieved by grapes grown on dry soils in Primošten.

The wines have a red color, are strong and full and have a soft taste.

Frankovka black

In our areas, it is mostly grown in the continental region. Its yield is stable, and its growth is lush and of good quality. The ripening time is in the second period.

The wine boasts a specific taste and aroma, it is refreshing and ruby ​​red in color.

Merlot black

It originates from France, and today it is cultivated in all countries. In our country, it is most represented in the area of ​​the Istrian peninsula and in some places in Dalmatia. It is of medium growth, and its fertility is stable and good. The quality of the wine depends on the location where it is grown.

The wine is soft and harmonious, ruby ​​red in color and has a recognizable taste and aroma.

Teran black

In our areas, it is most often grown in Istria, and it is assumed that it originates from Italy. It is characterized by a strong vine and lush vegetation. Although his fertility is high, it is not regular.

The ripening time is at the beginning of the fourth period. To grow this variety, you need a good location.

The wine has a pronounced acidity, smell and taste that is recognizable for the mentioned variety. It is drinkable and fresh.

Portuguese black

It is mostly grown in Austria, while in our areas it is planted in the Plešivica area. The vine of this variety is well developed, and its fertility is high and regular.

It is traditionally consumed as a young wine. It is refreshing and light, with an acidic texture and a ruby ​​red color.

Table grape varieties – zobatica

Table wine varieties can be grown more seriously in Dalmatia, while in the northern parts of Croatia they can be grown more for personal and local consumption. It is recommended to grow varieties of the first and second ripening groups.

Very early varieties

Some of the most important very early table grape varieties in the following.

The pearl of Čab

It is one of the earliest varieties that will reach grape maturity at the end of July. The clusters of this species are unsightly and small, and the species has weak and irregular fertility.

Early Cardinal

It reaches maturity ten days before Cardinal red. Its clusters are medium-sized, loose, with large purple-red berries. The taste of the grape is neutral, and its fertility is high with significant economic value.

Early varieties

Below are the early table grape varieties.

Cardinal red

It is grown in all parts of the world and is a very important variety for the economy. The cluster of this variety has a medium compact appearance with large round berries that are dark purple to red in color. Its smell and taste are delicate, musky. It can be harvested for a month and is easily transported.

Queen of vineyards white

It is grown all over the world, and is recognizable by its large bunches adorned with large golden yellow berries with a delicate muscat scent. It reaches maturity at the same time as Cardinal.

Purebred white

It is mostly grown in the continental parts of Croatia. It is used for wine production, but also for eating. Its fertility is not regular, and the main reason for this is the easy shedding of flowers.

Its cluster is medium-sized with the associated round berries, and the smell and taste of the grapes is fine and tasty.

Medium late varieties

We bring several popular mid-late varieties.

Afus but white

The table variety that is most valued for its economic importance. Today it is cultivated in all countries of the world. Its clusters are large and its fertility is high. It is characterized by strong growth, its berries are irregular and elliptical in shape, yellow-golden in color and have a pleasant and neutral taste.

Muscat Hamburg

These are large bunches whose berries are medium in size and have an uneven purple-blue color. Its smell is pronounced, and its taste is harmonious.

Late varieties

The most famous late table varieties are:

  • Italy white
  • Black fishing

Very late varieties

  • Krivaca white
  • Muscat of Alexandria

Seedless grape varieties

The mentioned varieties are characterized by high-quality seedless berries, and actually belong to the group of table grape varieties.

They are most often grown for:

  • dish (fresh form)
  • production of raisins

The most famous and most commonly grown seedless varieties are:

  • Sultana white
  • Corinth white
  • Perlette white
  • Perlon red
  • Nero red

Production of grapes

Today, in almost all parts of the world, grapes are most often produced for wine. The production of wine varieties accounts for 43% of the total production of grapes, while table grapes, on the other hand, account for only 36%. During the 90s, the difference was even greater, and at that time the production of wine varieties accounted for as much as 57% of the total production of grapes.

The reason why, in the last few years, the production of table varieties has been increasingly pronounced are innovative solutions concerning the technology of grape storage at low temperatures. Namely, it is necessary to invest a lot of money in the beginning, especially in the storage of grapes and their transport, and in addition, it takes two to three years for the vine to start bearing fruit.

Exports are also becoming more frequent, and the reason is that many grape producers have joined forces to be able to offer the highest quality and most competitive product possible.

Looking at the yields per vine, they are higher for table grapes than for wine grapes. A higher amount of sugar and a lower amount of acids gives larger and better quality berries with a higher amount of water.


Cultivation of wine grape varieties

Of the 8,000 registered grape varieties, as many as 1,000 are grown with the aim of later processing into wine. Some of them are recorded as autochthonous varieties and are mainly grown and processed into wine in the areas where they are registered as autochthonous.

In order to produce quality wine from grapes, the bunches must be of good quality, i.e.:

  • ripe (but not overripe)
  • healthy
  • dry or naturally frozen bunches of the species Vitis vinifera L or crossed species with other varieties from the Vitis genus, which are intended for the production of wine – the sugar in the juice of the mentioned grapes must be at least 133 g/l

Quality wine depends on the quality of the grape berries, which depends on the variety, substrate, soil, climate, yield and harvest (chosen right moment and method of harvesting). In addition, it is necessary to choose an appropriate technological procedure by which grapes are processed into wine.

In wine production, there are parameters that determine the quality of grape berries, namely:

  • sugar content in grape juice
  • acid content in grape juice
  • aroma content in grape juice
  • other parameters – they are important, but not decisive

In the production of wine, the most important division into varieties is with regard to the obtained quality of the wine, which are:

  • Quality varieties for the production of ordinary table wines – alcohol content is 9 to 11%, acid content is 5 to 12%
  • Quality varieties for the production of harmonious wines – alcohol content is from 11 to 13%, acidity from 6 to 9%
  • High-quality varieties for the production of the highest quality wines – their varietal properties are most pronounced, their alcohol content is from 12 to 15%, and acid from 5 to 8%

Harvesting of wine varieties

In order to produce a high-quality wine, the moment when you harvest the wine grape varieties is crucial. Grapes intended for wine production must be harvested at the time of technological maturity, when the amount of sugar in the berries ranges from 20 to 22%.

Wines harvested before technological maturity that contain a sugar content ranging from 13 to 15, as well as those harvested after technological maturity (overripe grapes) with a sugar content of 24 to 26% are not suitable for wine production, i.e. wine produced such grapes will be of lower quality.

The main rule is that grapes for wine production are harvested at the time of technological maturity, because its chemical composition is then most favorable, and this is primarily about the amount of sugar, because the future amount of ethanol (alcohol) in the wine depends on it.

In addition to sugar, berries also contain organic acids, and this acid is especially emphasized in white wines because it gives them freshness and drinkability. White wines that do not contain enough acid are usually bland and tasteless and spoil more quickly.

Grapes are harvested exclusively during dry weather when air temperatures are between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. The weather must not be too hot, air temperature above 25 degrees Celsius can cause the grapes to overheat after harvesting. Namely, the grapes are picked in crates, and if the temperatures are high, the grapes will be warmer, which will have a bad effect on the fermentation, which is of crucial importance for the quality of the wine.

Just as the weather must not be too warm during the harvest, the grapes will not be suited to a too rainy period either. The rainy season can cause botrytis (rot).

If you grow both white and black varieties of wine, it is necessary to separate them during harvesting.

Harvesting is done manually and with a combine harvester. In the case of larger vine plantations and more serious wine production, grapes are harvested exclusively with a harvester that can replace 50 to 120 grape pickers. Harvesters hit and shake off the berries, and although this harvesting method has numerous advantages, its only drawback is that 5 to 10% of the grapes are lost during harvesting. In addition to the above, the growing form of scotch must be suitable for harvesting with a combine harvester, so when purchasing a scotch harvester, it must be adapted to this. A poorly adjusted harvester can cause damage to the vines.

Manual harvesting of wine grape varieties is still established in our region. In the course of one day, an average picker can harvest from 300 to 600 kg of grapes, which means that if you want to cover an area of ​​1 hectare in one day, you need to provide approximately 30 to 60 grape pickers. The number of pickers and picked grapes also depends on the variety, cultivation form, yields, organization of the harvest and the workforce itself.

Cultivation of table grape varieties (Zobatica)

Table grape varieties are produced for consumption in fresh form or for processing by canning, drying or candiing. Some of the table varieties can also be used for the production of wine, but with most varieties, the purpose is strictly defined and the aforementioned is not acceptable.

Cultivation of table grape varieties in Croatia is not common. Most of the wines are imported or wine varieties are sold under the table. Therefore, if you have little space, growing table grape varieties will definitely be profitable. Domestic table varieties are in demand and appreciated and can be sold very quickly.

The group of table grape varieties also includes seedless varieties, and these are high-quality table grapes without seeds.

The berries of table grape varieties have less sugar than wine varieties, and their berries are fleshier and larger.

In addition, there are different measures that are implemented in the cultivation of table and wine varieties. Namely, table varieties require greater involvement in the maintenance and care of plantations and greater use of hands. Today, when growing table varieties, tall cultivation forms are mostly represented, i.e. grapes are often grown on pergolas, which means that everything must be connected with strong reinforcing nets.

With all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the cultivation of wine and table varieties cannot be equated. Those two cultures are incompatible. The production of table grapes is completely separate from the production of wine varieties and today it is seen as a separate science.

Table wine can also be produced from table grape varieties, and it is a wine produced from one or more grape varieties produced in one region. Such wine does not carry a label of variety.

Cultivation of table varieties can be characterized as a profitable, but above all, a difficult job. Therefore, before embarking on cultivation, it is necessary to study several factors that can determine the production itself. This refers first of all to the area where the grapes are grown. Namely, only some parts of Dalmatia in our areas are suitable for growing table grapes for commodity production. In other parts of Croatia, it is possible to grow the table variety exclusively for the needs of your household or possibly for local consumption.

Table grape varieties are divided into:

  • very early cultivars
  • early cultivars
  • mid-late cultivars
  • late cultivars
  • very late cultivars

With table grapes, certain conditions regarding the quality of the fruit must be met, and they include:

  • exterior
  • smell
  • flavor
  • easy transportation
  • easy storage

A quality table grape variety includes the following:

  • a medium-sized bunch (uniform, loose and nice-looking)
  • firm and as long as possible stick
  • equal and as large berries that have grown well on the stick
  • fleshy berries
  • the taste of the berries must be pleasant, not too sweet and slightly aromatic
  • a crunchy but soft berry, preferably with a pronounced masculinity
  • it is desirable that the berries have a minimum number of soft and small seeds (or that they are not found in the berries at all)
  • high durability of the variety (on the vine, during transport and during storage and storage in the refrigerator)

The more of the listed properties a type of grape has, the more it is valued on the market. Often the price is dictated by the appearance of the grapes themselves. However, tastes differ, so the English, American and Italian markets give preference to aromatic varieties, while the Central European market leans more towards varieties with a neutral taste.

Harvesting table grapes

As with wine varieties, the appropriate period for harvesting grapes must be observed for table grapes.

The table varieties of zobatica, which ripen from July to the first half of October, can be grown not only in the vineyard but also in the garden. That way, you will have enough grapes for your needs throughout the season.

The ripening period depends on the location and area of ​​planting and the climate in the area where the vine is grown. Bunch weight varies depending on factors such as flowering and weather.

Underripe table grapes are sour, contain less sugar and have a bad appearance, taste and smell. On the other hand, overripe table grapes quickly lose their pleasant smell and taste, and some types also acquire a bad aroma.

For this reason, table grape varieties are recommended to be picked using the screening method, i.e. with regard to ripening (on several occasions). The aforementioned also makes the production itself somewhat more demanding than in the case of the production of wine varieties.

If you have decided to grow grapes and have chosen between growing wine or table varieties, below we provide everything you will need to raise vines:

Photo: mbc-2016 / Pixabay