Fruit cultivation – in garden


An increasing number of people decide to grow their own fruits and vegetables. If you yourself belong to that group and want to grow your own fruit, you can check the list below, which in its final form will contain all the fruit trees that thrive in our area. Here you can find everything about planting, growing and maintaining a particular type of fruit.

According to the basic characteristics and type of fruit, we divide fruits into: citrus fruits, berry (strawberry) fruit, pome (apple) fruit, drupe (stone) fruit, lupine (nut) fruit and subtropical fruit.

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List of plants

Fruit is a collective name for the seeds or fruits of mostly perennial trees and shrubs, and botanically it differs from vegetables in that it has a seed-like structure that arises from a fertilized flower, while vegetables develop from other parts of the plant.

Did you know that okra, pumpkin, pea, olive, cucumber, zucchini, pepper, eggplant and tomato are actually fruits, but since they are neither sweet nor sour, they are used as vegetables in cooking? Or that, botanically speaking, watermelon and cantaloupe are actually vegetables, even though we think of them as fruit?

A vegetable that is a fruit

Fruit is grown on all continents and thrives in all areas where suitable climate conditions and favorable soil composition exist for certain species. It is considered a high-value food and nutritionists point out that we should consume it every day, but what is the actual nutritional and nutritional value of the fruit we buy in shopping centers and markets.

In addition to the fact that such fruit reaches maturity during storage and transportation to the point of sale, instead of in the sun, it is often treated with various harmful chemicals. Even after thorough washing, residues of harmful substances remain on such fruits, so these fruits are incomparable to organically grown ones, which have a better and more natural taste.

Before planting an orchard, it is important to prepare well and make a plan, especially if you intend to engage in fruit growing professionally. Each species has its own specifics, but most fruit trees need a lot of light and heat, and this depends on the exposure, altitude, latitude, etc. Fruit trees are mostly suited to sloping terrain, because in this case water does not stay and there is no danger to the roots of the plants.

The ideal places for growing orchards are sunny positions that are protected from the direct effects of the wind, and most species are suited to weakly acidic and well-permeable soil. If there are bushes or wild fruit species near the position where the orchard will be built, which could be infected with diseases and pests, they must be cleared.

Fruit trees can be planted in autumn and during winter or early spring. It is only important that the soil is not too wet or frozen. It would be good to do a soil analysis a few months before planting and, accordingly, if necessary, fertilize with appropriate fertilizers.

After planting the seedlings, it is recommended to fence the orchard because young fruit trees are a treat for various rodents. Once planted, fruit trees need to be regularly maintained later, and the procedure differs depending on the species being grown. All the necessary information about maintaining a particular species can be found in our list, where, in addition to detailed instructions on planting, growing and maintaining fruit plantations, you can find many other useful tips.

Photo: Jenő Szabó / Pixabay