FLOWER CARE: Some tips for growing on terraces, in gardens and on windows

FLOWER CARE Some tips for growing on terraces in gardens


Caring for flowers is a unique pleasure. Growing flowers on terraces, in gardens and on windows is a challenge for many flower lovers. In order for the flowers to always be healthy and intensely colored, it is necessary to know what conditions they require

So, in order to enjoy the splendor of flowers, we have to follow some rules!

If you plant in planters, make sure that the combinations of plants are harmonious and that one plant does not outgrow another, suffocating it.

The place from which the plants will be exposed to the view is very important. If you plant on the terrace, all the plants will grow and turn towards the light. This is why you should always plant creeping flowering plants in the first row that will extend across the terrace, and semi-hanging plants in the second row.

On the beds
If you are planting in flower beds, you need to prepare the soil beforehand. The most common problem is overly clayey soil, which sticks around the plants.


If you want really beautiful flower beds, add 5-8 liters of peat to every square meter and mix it in to a depth of up to 20 cm. This is the depth at which the main root mass of flowering plants develops. Peat will significantly improve the structure of the earth and enrich it with a network of capillaries that will allow air and water to exchange freely. In such conditions, the root develops very quickly, which is, of course, a prerequisite for good and abundant flowering.

In order for the flowers to always be healthy, beautiful, branched, lush and intensely colored, you need to know what conditions they require.

In containers
Always plant potted plants so that they are in the center of the pot. Do not compact the soil or substrate around the roots, as you will squeeze out all the air and the plant will quickly suffocate. When transplanting, take care that the new container should not be much larger.


Plant hanging plants in pots that have a water reservoir. These are mostly containers with a hole in the bottom in relation to the bottom, so part of the water is always retained in that small reservoir. In this way, you prevent excessive drying of the plants in the summer.

The soil, or substrate, in which we plant flowers can significantly affect the quality of the plant. Today, mostly ready-made flower mixes of black and white peat with additions of compost and mineral fertilizers are used.

Plants in outdoor containers are exposed to excessive rainfall, and it is desirable that such containers have the possibility of draining excess water. Suitable pots and a suitable mixture of substrate, exactly according to the requirements of individual types of plants, ensure optimal permeability and at the same time the plant’s optimal need for water.

The importance of drainage
Drainage in flower pots is necessary in pots that are too deep, especially if we do not have a suitable substrate.

In any case, drainage must meet several basic conditions – light weight, permeability, absorption of as much reserve moisture as possible, and the ability to return water to the ground when the need arises. Bricks (crushed bricks or tiles) have these properties to the greatest extent, and more recently porous clay balls produced for such a purpose. In the absence of bricks, river sand can be considered, with the fact that its greater weight should be taken into account.

It is important to follow the rules, to plant plants with the same needs for moisture, sunny, semi-shady or shady position in the same pot. Mixing plants and how it affects the overall impression.

Source: Voice of Slavonia