Cultivation of the imperial koccavica – planting, propagation, maintenance

carska kockavica

Imperial fritillaria (Fritillaria imperialis L.) belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae), and it is a perennial plant that can grow up to 30 cm in width and 100 cm in height as strong stems.

The genus fritillus comes from the word fritillus, which means cup for throwing dice, and refers to the dice-shaped leaf patterns that are widespread in some species of this flower. There is a species called “imperalis”, it got its name because of the beautiful flowers that are spread around the stem, under the tuft at the very top of the plant.

The leaves of the imperial cubeb are narrow and long, arranged alternately, and their color varies from bright green to light green. On the lower part of the stem, they are located densely in spines, in the upper part there are none, and at the top they were formed in tufts.

The flowers of the emperor’s cube bloom in the shape of a wide bell, and five of them are located at the very top of the straight stem. The flowers are quite large, and their flower looks like a hanging cluster.

The emperor’s flower blooms in the early spring months, and its flower lasts a short time – from March to April. After that, the stem dies. It comes in several different cultivars, and they differ in color. The most common color of petals is red, yellow and orange. In the base of the flower there are black honey glands.

The fruit of the king’s stone is in the form of a capsule containing seeds.

The natural habitat of the emperor’s sloth is in parts of central and western Asia – on the territory of Pakistan, the foothills of the western Himalayas and Pakistan. Today it is still planted and cultivated in the area of ​​Western and Central Europe and in the western parts of North America.

Planting the emperor’s cubeb

Tsarska koccavica is easy to grow and maintain, and is most often planted as an ornamental plant in gardens and around homesteads. Plant them along long paths or as a fence on the street side, as independent flowers in the lawn or in front of an ornamental shrub that blooms in the spring months. It can be planted in groups or as a single plant.

Although rarely used as cut flowers, they can look beautiful in a vase. If you want to place it in vases, it is very important how you cut the flowers. Be sure to cut it above the parts where the leaves are. If you cut it lower on the tree, it will probably not bloom next year.

Tsarska koccavica is planted in summer or autumn from bulbs. The most common and most favorable months for planting the king’s stonecrop are July and August, i.e. as soon as the vegetation of the plant ends.

Early planting of bulbs is recommended for the following reasons:

  • the protective shell of the bulb is not yet solid
  • with longer storage, the bulbs may deteriorate
  • already during July and August, the plant begins to develop veins and roots, which would be avoided with later planting, and as a result, the plant would not bloom the following year

Pale yellow bulb about the size of a fist, partially covered with scales, flattened at the top with depressions in the central part. The mentioned bulb is placed in the ground at a planting depth of 20 to 30 cm, so that it is placed slightly to the side and covered with soil and coarse sand.

Pay attention to the fact that you always plant a minimum of five to ten bulbs in one group, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Climate and habitat

It will grow best in semi-shady or slightly sunny places.


A rich humus soil, loose, well-drained and permeable is suitable for cultivation.

Cultivation of imperial kokuvacica

Once you plant them, with minimal care in the form of occasional watering, marigolds can bloom for 3 to 5, and sometimes even 10 years. At that time, they will develop, bloom and multiply from season to season.

Bulbs are taken out of the ground every third year. Therefore, in those years when they will remain in the ground, it is necessary to protect them from cold low temperatures. It is necessary to cover the ground where they are located with dry leaves and straw.

Take them out of the ground only when the tree is completely dry.

If you want the plant to produce flowers next year, do not cut off its leaves. Leave it to dry and wither on its own.

When you take the bulbs out of the ground, clean them and store them in moist sand.


The plant is watered at least once a week, and more often if necessary. Check soil moisture before watering.


During the flowering period, feed the marigold once a week in order to maintain a beautiful bloom.

Maintenance and care

Its big advantage is easy maintenance. Once you plant it, it will regenerate itself for more than ten years, blooming every year.

Propagation of the imperial dice

Imperial dice is divided from:

  • bulb (bulb) – in the summer or autumn months. Most often during July and August. Young ones should be separated from the bulbs propagated in this way and must be planted in another place.
  • with seeds (rare) – since the position of the flowers is unfavorable, i.e. hanging upside down, it is difficult to reach the seeds and pollination, so it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination. The seeds are sown immediately after they ripen, and for such a plant to bloom, it takes 4 to 5 years of maintenance and care. In view of this, the sowing of the imperial kokuvacica is very rarely practiced.

Diseases and pests

The bulbs of the imperial sedge have an unpleasant smell that reminds of rot, so this plant is avoided by most pests such as moles and mice, which normally cause great damage in the garden. In this case, they avoid this flower so it grows and thrives without any problems.

Photo: MAKY_OREL/Pixabay