Crvendać and his beautiful song


This popular inhabitant of the continental part of Croatia and one of the most territorial birds in the world is an exceptional animal that is protected in Croatia, even though it has a relatively large number of individuals in its population. This is because it is an exceptional bird, which could very easily end up on the list of endangered animals due to certain changes in its habitat and environment. Therefore, it is preventively included among protected animals, but not strictly protected.

This recognizable bird finds its home in a variety of habitats, from scrub and thickets to deciduous and coniferous forests. It is a frequent guest of city parks and gardens, as it is not sensitive to noise and crowds of people and mostly keeps to the ground. Nests are often under the roofs of houses, which is considered very lucky for the owner of the house.

Beauty is in the little things

The robin is a nesting bird of the thrush family and grows to a size of only 14 centimeters and weighs only twenty grams. The wingspan of a robin is about twenty centimeters, but this does not prevent it from being a very good flyer. Males and females are physically very similar with a predominant combination of brown shades and light belly color, with a very recognizable feature that gave this bird its name: the red-orange color of the face and chest.

The robin builds its nest low above the ground, in bushes or on low trees, and often on the ground itself. It is very good at hiding the nest and very territorial about its location, but also where the whole bird family lives. Nesting usually occurs twice a year and almost always in the spring and early summer, from April to July, when it is warm.

The female lays a small number of eggs in the nest, usually four, very rarely six, and then spends the next two weeks on them. The robin parents are very caring and both participate in feeding the little squatters. The birds only need 10-15 days to become independent and separate from their parents. The robin as a species lives an average of five years. They can live longer, but only in captivity.

Waking up with a song

This warbler marks its territory by singing and is one of the few birds that does this all winter, so it is popular for this reason. Her song can be heard even in winter and she sings especially often in early spring. Its song is loved by all bird lovers because it is extremely ringing and soft and can be very long lasting and persistent.

Certain superstitions are associated with robins and their chirping song, and the most famous one is that when you see one for the first time in spring, you must make a wish and your wish will quickly come true. There is also a folk superstition that says that the owner of the house where this bird nests is lucky because the robin protects him from lightning and thunder. It is also believed that the robin brings good luck to the family.

Some darker superstitions are connected with them, namely, that great misfortune or trouble awaits him who steals or destroys its eggs or nest, catches or shuts them up, or kills and injures them.