Corn – in garden


Maize is a variety that is used in many industries and is one of the main grains in the production of modern society. As a plant, it originates from Central and South America, from where it came to Europe during the 16th century and spread throughout the world. Due to its simple cultivation and the possibility of developing hybrids that can adapt to different climates, it is a popular grain for human and livestock nutrition.

The stem of the plant is thin and long, often reaching 2 meters at full maturity. The root is branched, but does not go very deep. The leaves are dark green in color and often have sharp edges and follow the stem upright. Yellowed leaves surround the fruit, on top of which bloom long threadlike flowers that are attractive to bees. The fruit is smooth, the cob is surrounded by smooth and fleshy seeds on all sides, and the color varies from lighter to darker yellow and even red.

Maize is widespread on all continents, except Antarctica. It grows during the warm summer months in a moderate climate and needs humus and airy soil. It is also useful because tall beans or potatoes can be planted next to it and it serves as a natural support for climbing plants.

Corn varieties

Many types of corn are known, but they are most often hybrids created by mixing some of the most fruitful varieties. Hybrids are created by mixing two varieties to make the newer plant more fruitful, more resistant to conditions or diseases, or simply more profitable to grow. However, some varieties stand out in particular: Zuban, Semi-zuban, Harddunac, Šećerac, Meki šećerac, Kokičar, Pljevicar


It is one of the most common species from which the most hybrids are made. Its grain is used mostly in animal nutrition and is the most fertile of all types. It has a characteristic appearance due to the dent in the crown, which resembles a tooth, which is why it got its name.


It has a similar appearance to the dental one, but differs due to a smaller depression. It is also very fertile, but it is a smaller grain, which is why it is used in livestock nutrition. Its outer bark is horny and floury and is harder and more durable.


Tvrdunac is another popular variety that is characterized by higher quality grain with a higher percentage of proteins and is used in human nutrition. The pistils are shorter than the teeth, and the color can vary up to purple. By grinding, a fine powder can be obtained which is used as flour or polenta.


This type of corn is best known for human consumption and is characterized by softer grains and a sweet taste. It is rich in starch, which gives it a sweet taste, but it also has a soft skin and can be eaten raw.

Soft sugar

One of the subspecies of sugarcane that is characterized by its soft texture and velvety structure, and is ideal for cooking before consumption.

Popcorn maker

This type of corn is characterized by small grains and smaller cobs than other types. The color can also vary to a reddish shade, and it is used for human consumption. The shape of the seed can be pearly or rice-shaped, and it is extremely hard.


It is specific because of the chaff that surrounds the grain. Also, it has the possibility of creating more pistons on one stem and is more economically profitable.

Corn sowing

Considering that it is a very hardy plant, it is generally believed that it is not difficult to sow corn. However, it is necessary to pay attention to several conditions in order for the harvest to be good and rich. Also, in this way the entire plantation will be profitable.

Sowing time

Maize is a variety that is sown, and proper sowing and sufficient spacing are the main prerequisites for good plant fertility. Maize is sown in early spring, but it is necessary to avoid frosts and wait for the temperature to rise above 10 C. The soil on which it is sown must be sufficiently moist, but not too wet, because then the plant starts to rot. Also, sandy soils are dangerous due to periods of drought and can slow down or stop plant development. Maize has the highest germination and fertility in warmer climates. Higher temperatures encourage its growth and development and it is resistant to sun exposure. It can survive extremely high temperatures without the sun damaging its leaf.

Cultivation in the open by sowing

Maize is sown exclusively outdoors, usually with mechanical bulbs. With corn, the most important thing is proper crop rotation. It can be grown as a monoculture, but it must be sown at a distance of 70 cm so that the plant has enough light and air to enable a rich contribution. Also, each of the hybrids has its own way of sowing, some are sown more densely due to smaller roots and vegetation space. Before each sowing, it is important to inquire about the seed and the method of sowing so that it is not overcrowded and that it meets expectations.


It thrives best on deep and fertile soils, neutral acid and well-ventilated, where the root will be able to harden enough for the plant to become strong and bear fruit. However, it is often the case that corn is planted in soils that are poor or have a different structure than the above. Then it is necessary to choose a hybrid that will succeed in such conditions, but also to prepare the conditions so that the plant can bear fruit.

Corn cultivation

Corn is not a plant that is difficult to grow, but it is necessary to pay attention to some factors during growth that could slow down or completely prevent the growth and development of the plant. Also, arranging the cultures next to the plant itself enriches the taste and is an important item of final quality.

Matching cultures

Maize is a variety that can grow on the same land for years, but in order to enrich the land, there are some pre-cultures that are ideal for its cultivation. Potatoes, sugar beets and sunflowers belong there. Also, it is important to drip and weed between plantations in order to achieve ventilation. Dripping is usually done manually, with a hoe the surface layer of soil and weeds that have grown around the stem are removed.


When watering, it is important that it is sufficient if it grows on sandy soil that loses water and tends to dry out. However, corn can use water economically if there is a short drought in rich soils. If it is sown in a wetland that is still flooded, there is a possibility of rotting and failure.


Maize likes soils rich in minerals, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are most often used for fertilization. In order to feed corn properly, it is necessary to take into account the previous condition of the soil, which crop was sown or planted before, and which type of corn or hybrid will sprout. For proper fertilization, it is necessary to plan several phases. It is important to cultivate and prepare the soil in autumn or winter so that it rests and is soaked with water and fertilizer. In the spring, before sowing itself, fertilization should be done before sowing the seeds, and stronger nitrogen fertilizers can be used there. Along with the sowing itself, a starter fertilization is carried out, which encourages germination and strengthens the root during germination itself. In order to use the full potential, it is necessary to feed corn depending on the variety, soil type and temperature.

Maintenance and care

During the germination phase, due to the slow growth of the young plant, the soil around the corn must be cleaned with rotary tillers in order to destroy the weeds. The tillers themselves will not destroy the plant, but it is important to sow in a proper arrangement so that the roots remain intact. In addition to weeding the surrounding soil around the plant itself, corn must be irrigated if there is a period of drought. However, it is a very rewarding plant to grow and can adapt well to the conditions. Also, it does not require too much care and therefore it is suitable for sowing in large quantities on large areas.

Harvesting corn

Maize ripens fairly uniformly, and the entire plantation can be harvested if ripeness is noticed. The fruit is ready for harvesting when the leaves dry and the milky line disappears and the root of the seed turns dark. When harvesting, the humidity of the grain is important so that it can be stored well. If it is too wet, rotting can occur. At reduced humidity, it is necessary to spray with water in order to preserve the quality of the grain itself.

Corn can be harvested in 2 ways. Picking in the cob is done manually, and the cob is cleaned of cobs and stored in baskets. It is important that healthy and dry cobs are stored in order to preserve the crop as long as possible. If it is harvested in grain, combine harvesters are used which in the processing process separate the grain from the cob and prepare it for storage. In this way, it can be stored longer, but the picking process itself is more expensive. The harvest itself, apart from the harvester that can damage the stem and make harvesting impossible, can be harmed by birds or game whose primary food source is late summer.

Storage and ensiling

The correct way of storage allows for a longer shelf life of corn and higher quality. In order to store it well, it is usually harvested dry. However, ensiling is done for feeding animals. During the actual harvest, a shorter cut is made to make the fruit more digestible for livestock. The process itself lasts several weeks and it preserves nutrients in order to obtain more energy benefits from a smaller amount. The whole plant, corn cob or just grains can be ensiled. Also, then it is stored in the open. This reduces the costs of transportation and space, as in the case of grain or cob storage, and at the same time, a nutrient mass is obtained throughout the year.

Diseases and pests

Although it is a very immune species, corn is not resistant to diseases and pests. There are different ways in which it can be protected from diseases and pests, and it is important to protect it from weeds with the methods already mentioned.

Weed protection

Maize must be protected from weeds even after germination. Although this is done mechanically during germination, it could later damage the plant, so herbicides are used. It is important to use herbicides depending on the type of weed and how it occurs. More aggressive herbicides are used for those that are perennial, and weaker herbicides for annuals.

Protection from intruders

The main pests that attack corn are: Wireworms, Owls and Corn moth.

Cable cars

Adults feed on the stem and roots, and cannot harm the plant to a large extent. However, they lay eggs in the soil and they develop into larvae that remain in the soil. These larvae are dangerous during germination because they destroy sprouted roots and seeds. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to check the condition of the soil itself before planting. The number of maggots is treated with insecticides, while an excessive occurrence is a bigger environmental problem due to the need to use more aggressive agents.


The caterpillars of this butterfly lie and cover themselves in silk and feed on grain. However, sometimes they can even bite through the stem, destroying the entire plant. Their presence is proven by the opening of the cob leaves. In order to protect the plant, it is necessary to apply insecticide to the leaves.

Corn moth

The caterpillars of this pest are particularly dangerous because they develop in unprotected parts of the plant. If the remains are not plowed after harvesting, they can cocoon and overwinter in low temperatures. They are often a legacy of carelessness and are difficult to eradicate. They corrode the entire plant and thus reduce the contribution of mechanical harvesting.

Protection against disease

There are some diseases that attack corn, the main ones being: Seedling blight, leaf spot and dry rot.

Burning of the seedling

It is a disease that appears in the most vulnerable stage, germination. These fungi are soil parasites and their appearance depends on the quality and humidity of the soil. However, to avoid it, it is necessary to use certified and high-quality seeds.

Leaf spotting

The disease is manifested by spotting on the lower leaves. Also, it occurs depending on the soil, but the spores survive on cornfields that have not been properly prepared and cleaned in the fall. It is controlled by proper soil cultivation and sowing of resistant hybrids.

Dry rot

The disease is visible after the plant’s development by the decay of vital parts. It causes low income, and herbicides are used to control it.

Use of corn

All parts of corn can be used for further processing, which is why it is of special economic importance as a foodstuff, and the basis comes from the properties of the corn plant itself, the amount of production, but also the variety of uses. It is most widely used in cooking and animal nutrition.



Maize is widely used, and since all parts are usable, it has high economic importance. As the fruit itself, it is used for human and animal nutrition. Grain and silage corn is an important source of nutrition for animals in natural breeding and fattening.

Some varieties, such as sugarcane and popcorn, are used directly for human consumption by thermal processing: sugarcane is boiled or baked, and popcorn is fried. Also, ground seeds are used as flour or polenta, which is currently the main source of food in some countries.

The production of ethylene alcohol, from which alcoholic beverages are further produced, is of increasing importance.

However, as a secondary item, corn is very important in many branches. Its starch is often used in the preparation of ready-made food for coagulating. Syrup can also be obtained from it as a base for medicines and other pharmaceuticals. It is also used in the production of paper and plastic mass, and it can also be used for the production of artificial fibers.

The economic importance is great and it is one of the most important raw materials in the world and has great profitability.


Corn is not an important item used in medicine. Its properties are not medicinal, but it is possible to produce starch from the plant itself, which is then used as a base for pharmaceutical syrups and creams.

Interesting things

Maize was originally a plant known and used by the peoples of Central America. After Columbus’s discovery, it was transferred to Europe and is found on all continents. With the development of hybrids, it became a very resistant and often cultivated cereal. After coming to Europe, corn had a very important significance for the people. It was used as the main source of food for both humans and animals. It was important as a support for other crops and a very profitable variety. After the Second World War, its popularity grew greatly.

Today, corn is the second most common grain, after rice and before wheat. Due to its great usefulness, it is used in many industries. Also, profitability is high and the purchase of corn is very good. It is interesting that, in addition to many useful hybrids, species that are used for decoration and are part of some costumes and traditions are also grown.

Photo: Capri23auto / Pixabay