Category Archives: Gardening & Houseplants

PASIFLORA OR THE CROWN OF JESUS: Cultivation and care – what should be done to make it bloom profusely?


Passiflora, Jesus’ crown or gentleman’s crown, (lat. Passiflora) is a climbing plant that blooms with an interesting flower during the summer. Back in the 18th century, when missionaries found it in tropical South America, they thought the flower symbolized the crucifixion. The five anthers represent the 5 wounds of Christ, the three-parted pistil 3 nails,

MOTHER-IN-LAW’S LANGUAGE: There are two reasons why you must have this plant in your home!

MOTHER IN LAWS LANGUAGE There are two reasons why you must have

Sanseveria or mother-in-law’s tongue is a plant from the genus of leafy succulents native to tropical Africa. It is known under the names saber, saber, saber and Indian feather. Mother-in-law’s tongue got its name because of the sharp fleshy leaves, similar to a tongue, which grow straight out of the ground and can be up

Christmas under the sign of the poinsettia

bozicna zvijezda

Since the center of November, many procuring facilities, outlets and flower outlets have included one of the most recognizable symbols of Christmas of their assortment – the poinsettia, an indescribably stunning potted plant, which only some will resist this 12 months. Poinsettias plant has a really fascinating previous. It was found by the Spanish conquerors

What is a red spider and how to recognize it? | the most common pests of indoor plants

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Unfortunately, when the leaves take on visible damage, it means that they have already multiplied and that we are faced with a rather large number of individuals. However, this does not mean that our plant is doomed, but only that we have to have a little more patience and persistence to get rid of them

Landscaping: It’s time to make your garden shine

uredjenje vrta

Many people immediately associate spring with sunny and beautiful weather, May 1, Easter, but also somewhat common, big spring cleaning. Most of us take advantage of the first sunny rays of spring to clean and decorate our homes, terraces and balconies, and gardens. Arranging a garden requires a lot of our time, dedication and attention,

FLOWER CARE: Some tips for growing on terraces, in gardens and on windows

FLOWER CARE Some tips for growing on terraces in gardens

Caring for flowers is a unique pleasure. Growing flowers on terraces, in gardens and on windows is a challenge for many flower lovers. In order for the flowers to always be healthy and intensely colored, it is necessary to know what conditions they require So, in order to enjoy the splendor of flowers, we have

Road transport: should you travel by train, ship or plane?

cestovni promet

All types of motorized transport have an extremely high and negative impact on the environment, which is most evident in climate change, which is largely caused by transport. Road traffic has a very negative impact on the climate by releasing harmful exhaust gases into the atmosphere, so this mode of transport is the worst choice

Pansy – planting, growing, care, reproduction


Pansy (lat. Viola tricolor) is a well-known and common meadow plant from the family Violaceae. Folk names for this flower are lady’s violet, orphan’s violet, field violet, day and night, and God’s flower. It was created by crossing several wild species Viola x wittrockiana which has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century, and

Watermelon – planting, growing, fertilizing, harvesting

Watermelon (Latin Citrullus lanatus) is a herbaceous plant from the gourd family (lat. Cucurbitaceae), which also includes pumpkins, melons and cucumbers. It originates from Africa, and today it is cultivated throughout Europe. The largest watermelon producers are Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and southern France. It is an annual plant that is best known for its large,

Cultivation of zedanjak – planting, propagation, maintenance, medicinal properties


Zednjak (lat. Sedum spectabile) is a plant from the Crassulaceae family, which includes 35 genera and over 1,500 species that are mainly used to decorate garden beds. It is also known as the wounded or the fat coke. It is very popular among gardeners because it can easily be planted on sunny and dry beds,

Magnolia – planting, growing, propagation, maintenance


Magnolia (lat. Magnolia) is a genus in which we distinguish about 120 different species. Deciduous and evergreen trees belong to the magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). Magnolia can have the appearance of a tree or a larger bush with beautiful flowers at the ends of the branches. It has simple oval shaped leaves. The buds from which

Medvednica Nature Park – a green source of strength for the metropolis of Zagreb


Medvednica Nature Park has been known to man since ancient times, it was officially founded on June 16, 1981. Neanderthals left their mark there as early as 45,000 years ago, as evidenced by the archaeological site of the Veternica cave, and since then it has been rich in plant and animal life. The name of