Bob – in garden


Bob (lat. vicia faba) is an annual herbaceous plant that comes from the legume family (Fabaceae). Unlike other types of beans that originate from the Americas, broad beans are believed to have come from the Middle East and have been cultivated since the Neolithic period. It is one of the oldest plants known on earth, probably due to the simplicity of its cultivation. Today it is widespread in all parts of Europe.

Its name Vicia faba most likely comes from the Latin vincire, which means “to bind”, and the Greek phago, which means “to eat”.

Bob has a slightly unusual taste and not everyone likes it. It is certainly best grown at home and cooked right after harvest, so it is well worth growing at home. It is also the first plant to mature in spring.

Its appearance resembles a pea, and like this, it can be prepared fresh or dried and stored. It is a bushy plant 1 to 1.5 m tall, its leaves can be 10 to 25 cm long and, unlike other legumes, it does not have tendrils to adhere to the support, so it needs to be tied. The flower measures from 1 to 2.5 cm, usually with 5 petals and a standard white color, but there are exceptions depending on the variety.

Some varieties (for example, Crimson) have luxurious decorative flowers, heady fragrance, but their yield is weaker. The flowers are bisexual and are found on short stalks in groups of 2 or 3. They flower approximately 40 days after sowing, and it is interesting that their flowers open mostly in the morning and early afternoon and do not open when the weather is bad. .

types of beans

Bob can be classified in different ways, the most common being according to the length of its pod. Long-pod beans have up to 8 beans, while short-pod beans (Windsors) have half as many and are more round in shape. We also classify it by the color of the grain, which can be and is most often green, light green (almost white), or dark red. Green is also better for freezing and storage. There are short and tall varieties of broad beans, as well as overwintering and spring-sown types.

sweet water claudia

Today the most popular variety with long pods and white beans. It perfectly tolerates low temperatures, winters outdoors and gives birth early. It is sown from October to February and flowers from April to June. It can grow up to 100 cm tall and 40 cm wide, and is less susceptible to black fly attack than other varieties.


A very old variety and one of the tastiest. It is native, and the pods contain 7 or 8 pale green beans, which do not change color when frozen. It grows up to 120 cm in height and up to 45 cm in width. It is sown from February to April and flowers from May to July.

Bunyards Exhibition

It has long pods and white grains, and has a unique flavor, which is why it is loved by chefs all over the world. It grows up to 12 cm tall, its pods are 25 to 30 cm long and contain 5 to 7 grains, which have a delicious sweet taste and do not lose their color when cooked.


A variety with light green beans and one of the fastest maturing beans. It is very resistant to cold and low temperatures, it does not lose its color due to frost and it has a great flavor. It can grow up to 90 cm tall and 25 cm wide, and is sown from September to November, or in March and April and flowers in May and June.

Imperial green long scabbard

A kind of very long pod, up to 30 cm. Its seeds are green and there are usually 9 of them in a pod. It is tasty fresh, but it is also suitable for freezing. It grows up to 120 cm in height and 45 cm in width. It is sown from February to May and flowers from May to July. This variety does not tolerate heat well.


It has long green pods and light green beans, and tolerates both cold and heat well. In general, it is a very resistant variety, so diseases and pests avoid it. It is sown from March to May and flowers from May to August.

Jubilee Hysor

White bean variety that grows up to 150 cm tall and up to 45 cm wide. It likes sunny places and is often used for greenhouse cultivation. It is sown from February to April and flowers from June to August.

masterpiece green long scabbard

A variety with long pods and green beans, according to most gardeners, the best variety of green beans. It grows well in all conditions and is relatively hardy. It will grow up to 90cm tall and 45cm wide. It is sown from February to April and flowers from June to August.

Vroma Meteorite

A variety with long, firm pods filled with green seeds. It is a winter variety and grows up to 90 cm tall and up to 35 cm wide. It yields early and feasts on its fertile pods. It blooms from May to August.

Order of Epicurus

An unusual variety of red beans and is known for its high quality and good flavor. Although its pods are green, the beautiful red color of the grain is not lost even by cooking. It ripens from June to August and is suitable for freezing. It is sown between February and April.


It has long pods, which can grow up to 40 cm, full of green grains with a pleasant flavor. It grows up to 120 cm in height.

the sutton

Low variety, very fruitful, light green grain. The pods grow to about 15 cm and usually have 4 or 5 smaller seeds. It is famous for its delicious variety, which can be frozen. As it grows up to 30 cm tall, it can be planted in pots or containers, and does not need support. It is sown from November to July and flowers from May to August.

windsor green

Short pod variety with four grains, dark green. It is popular because it does not lose its color when frozen and is very tasty. It grows 100 cm tall and 45 cm wide. It is sown from February to April, it flowers from May to July, so it bears fruit a little later.

white windsor

A variety, as its name indicates, with white grain. In terms of its characteristics, color axis, it resembles “Green Windsor”: it also has 4 grains in a pod and will grow up to 100 cm in height.

bean cultivation

Bob needs an open, sunny spot, sheltered from strong winds. Fertile soil is also needed, which can be achieved by adding compost or manure. If the beans do not bloom, the cause is usually cold weather or a lack of bees. Although it is frost tolerant and prefers cooler climates, frost will still affect pod development. When it warms up a bit, it will continue to grow, but if there is more heating, its growth will stall again.

coincidence of cultures

The change of crops or crop rotation is a system that has been used by many generations of gardeners as prevention against diseases and pests. It is believed that if the same plant is planted in the same place every year, pests and disease-causing agents can remain in the soil and be transferred to the same plant the following year. That is why it is necessary to “move” the plant to another piece of land.

It is best to rotate the crops, so that we divide them into groups and “rotate” them on the plot, in which case broad beans will go well together with peas, green beans, kidney beans and broad beans. It’s also good to place near onions, leeks, sweet corn, pumpkin, squash, and lettuce.

Nearby corn and cabbage plants will absorb the nitrogen released by the bean roots, and the spinach will benefit from moisture retention in the soil.


Spraying the plants early in the morning will increase humidity and help grain development. Before it begins to flower, it does not need much watering, but after flowering and during pod and kernel development, a more abundant supply of water is needed.

Bob likes moist soil and has deep roots, so it will draw moisture from the soil, but it’s also a good choice to plant spinach as an intercrop because it keeps the soil moist.


Beans need to be fed with fertilizers rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. It needs phosphorus for its development, and potassium if we plant spinach as an intercrop (recommended to maintain soil moisture), because spinach absorbs it. A week before planting beans, it would be good to press granular fertilizer into the soil.


Beans are propagated by seeds. Each leaf stalk produces 2 to 4 flowers, and a normal adult bean plant in full bloom bears 50 to 80 flowers that later develop into bean seed pods. The plant will discard most of them and will grow an average of ten pods per plant which are saved and planted the next season.


Beans are sown directly into the ground and are not transplanted except in conditions where winters are too cold for early harvests. In this case, the seed is sown in a container and kept indoors until a seedling develops, which is transplanted to a permanent spot in the garden.


The bean is a plant that does not need rejuvenation for its correct growth and development.


Bob prefers humus, semi-heavy soils that allow water and air to pass through well. It is suitable for soils with a pH between 7 and 8. It grows well in moist but well-drained, fertile, neutral or calcareous soils.


Although it tolerates cold well, the minimum temperature it needs to germinate is between 1 – 3°C, and it will surely germinate above 5°C. In general, 20°C suits you best, and the lowest temperature you will survive is -6°C.

planting beans

When planting broad beans, the space between the rows can sometimes be used to plant other (short) plants. As soon as the first fruits appear, it is necessary to remove the tops. This is the best way to control black lice, which almost always appear in large numbers. These tops are also edible when cooked. It is not necessary to thin the beans.

planting time

Beans are sown in pots in January or February, and as soon as the ground thaws, that is, after the last frosts, they should be transplanted outdoors. If we sow it immediately outdoors, it will be from mid-March to mid-May. Although beans are frost hardy, they can significantly slow down their growth. Winter varieties can also be planted in the fall.

Choose the substrate to plant.

Inoculation of legumes, including beans, is generally done only for the purpose of preventing biotic and abiotic stress and is a safe and easy technique for managing protected crops suitable for organic production. Except for commercial cultivation purposes, the broad bean does not need to be grafted, nor does it need a special substrate for planting.

planting seeds

Bean seeds are soaked for the night and planted the next day in the place where the plant will grow, at a distance of 15 cm, to a depth of about 5 cm. Pods begin to develop in late spring or summer. It can be planted in blocks or double rows, and if you want it to bear fruit longer, you should plant new ones every month.

plant seedlings

Seedlings are planted only when transplanted into the open air. If the planting area is cold, the soil is soggy, or there are problems with seed-eating mice, then it’s a good idea to plant beans in containers and let them develop seedlings indoors before transplanting outdoors.

Containers or cups are filled with multi-purpose compost without peat, one seed is placed in each container at a depth of 5 cm and in a cold and frost-free place. Seedlings should germinate in 3 weeks. After 6 weeks, when the roots are formed, the seedling is transplanted into the open air.

cultivation in the garden

Beans are best sown in double rows, in shallow trenches, 20-25 cm apart, 5 cm deep and about 60 cm apart. It can be sown in autumn for an early crop to be had in early May, while spring sowing is generally more reliable, especially in heavy clay soils which can lead to pre-emergence seed rot.

greenhouse cultivation

Beans can be grown indoors in late winter, but are definitely transplanted outdoors in the spring. It is grown in containers only in areas with extreme cold where it cannot overwinter outside. Then the soil should be very rich in compost, and the container should be up to 50 cm in size and at least 30 cm deep.

container farming

Beans are not planted in containers unless there is a specific need (lack of space to plant, etc.). Sow in pots during fall or winter (for earlier crops) or early spring for summer crops. It is necessary to fill the containers with multi-purpose peat, plant the seeds at a depth of 5 cm and at a distance of about 60 cm.

maintenance and care

The taller varieties should be supported with sticks and tied with string, at various places along the row. When the bean is in full bloom, it is necessary to remove 8 cm of the canopy to reduce the possibility of the appearance of the black fly that usually attacks the bean, but also to start filling the pods.

rest phase

Beans have a very good germination rate, so only one seed needs to be planted for each desired bean plant. Normally, it is sown in spring, from February to April. However, some varieties are particularly hardy and can be planted in the fall, so the beans do not have a dormancy phase.

plantation maintenance

Bob does not require much maintenance. The plant is bush-like but can grow quite large and will benefit from stakes placed for support and to prevent bending due to the weight of the pods.

The soil should be kept moist during flowering to ensure optimal pod development and thoroughly soak the soil if plants flower during a dry period. Since it is a legume, beans generally do not require additional fertilization. Nodulation can be enhanced by inoculating seeds with additional rhizobacteria prior to sowing.


When growing broad beans, it is important to thin out the plants, which will ensure good air flow and reduce the chance of developing fungal diseases. To plant in a row, the plants should be thinned to a distance of about 20-25 cm.


Bob does not need pruning if we plant it correctly and its care is extremely undemanding.


Bean pods are harvested when the beans in them swell. They can be harvested at an earlier stage and cooked whole. Care needs to be taken that the beans do not become too old to pick, which can be recognized by the leathery appearance of the beans as they will harden and change their flavour.

It is usually harvested from early to late summer. If we want to use it fresh repeatedly, it is necessary to plant it at intervals, about once a month, so that it matures for harvesting.


Before storage, the peeled beans must be very hard to the touch, otherwise they must be dried. The pods and seeds are spread out in cardboard fruit boxes and placed in a warm, dry place to rest for several weeks. Sun or oven drying is not recommended.


The beans are most flavorful when picked fresh from the plant, but any excess can be frozen for later use. Dried it can be stored for up to 12 months in a dark place, in tightly closed containers.

After harvest (or purchase), beans can be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed plastic bag, for up to 5 days. It should be firm and bright in color, without spots, mucus or wrinkles. It can be stored outdoors in the pods, if the temperature is between 7 and 9°C and the air humidity is 90 – 95%.

Preparation for the next season

The soil must be prepared for planting the next season by adding compost. Horse, cow or sheep manure is useful because it is low in nitrogen. Bean pods produce their own nitrogen, so it’s best to avoid using fertilizers that are high in nitrogen, such as manure and fish emulsion. Cow manure is sprinkled on the bed to a thickness of 5 cm and buried well. Potassium sulfate is added in the amount of one tablespoon per square meter and watered well. For acid soils, lime or dolomite is added, a handful per square meter, to sweeten the soil and provide the best conditions for next year’s bean growth.


Beans are known as a plant that doesn’t get sick often and can withstand many bad conditions, but one of the most common diseases to watch out for is bean rust and leaf spot.


Bean rust is caused by the fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae. It is not as damaging, but severe attacks can cause defoliation and significant levels and degrees of rust attacks can be expected from mid-summer. It attacks beans, peas and other related legumes and has several species. There are no fungicides available, but the risk can be reduced by increasing airflow around the plants by spacing them more widely and avoiding planting in moist soil.


The small, dark brown, necrotic spots on the leaves are caused by bacteria, and as a result of the disease, the pods turn brown and necrotic and may twist and distort in the area of ​​infection. The bacterium overwinters in plant debris and is more serious if leaves are wet for a long time. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, only certified seeds are planted, crops are regularly rotated, and crop residues are removed from the field after harvest.

downy mildew

Yellowish-brown spots on the upper surface of leaves and angular grayish-white fluffy fungal spots on the underside of leaves are caused by a fungus that stunts the plant and deforms it. To avoid the appearance of downy mildew, it is necessary to rotate the crops every 5 years, cultivate the crop residues in depth and avoid sowing at the end of autumn at greater depths in the soil, as this can favor serious infections


The most common and serious pest problem that attacks broad beans is the black bean fly and aphids, but apart from them, other pests do not attack it.

black bean fly

When the black fly appears, the plant must be sprinkled with wood ash and sprayed with nettle or a stronger stream of water. There is a belief that it will not even appear if heather is planted nearby.


The small, soft-bodied insects that appear on the undersides of leaves and/or plant stems are usually green or yellow, but can be pink, brown, red, or black, depending on the species and plant they are on. attacking. If an aphid infestation is severe, it can cause leaf yellowing and/or distortion, necrotic leaf spots, and/or stunted shoots. Aphids secrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew that stimulates sooty mold growth on the plant.

If the aphid population is limited to a few leaves or shoots, then the infestation can be pruned back to ensure control. Tolerant varieties should be used and reflective mulches such as silver plastic can deter aphids from feeding on plants. Hardy plants can be sprayed with a strong stream of water to remove aphids from leaves, while insecticides are generally only needed to treat aphids if the infestation is very heavy. Beans generally tolerate low to medium levels of infestation, but insecticidal soaps or oils such as neem or canola oil are often the best method of control.

use of bob

The beans grow in pods much larger than normal, and if they are not very young, they should be removed and boiled for about 3 minutes. If they are soft, they can be eaten together with the gray-green membrane, but with more mature pods, the skin should be removed.


Many legumes can be eaten fresh and whole, or can be left to ripen and dry on the plant. It can be boiled or baked, and its popularity is growing recently due to its high protein content (26%) and there are many recipes to prepare at home.

Bob is a traditional dish in many countries such as Algeria, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Turkey, and Vietnam.

In Chinese cuisine, it is prepared with soybeans and chili as a hot fermented paste known as doubanjiang. In Egypt, it is prepared by both the poor and the rich, and it is widespread. It is best known as the staple ingredient in falafel and as the ancient dish ful medames, which is now considered the national dish of Egypt.

Ethiopia is a country where the use of beans is also widespread and woven into everyday life. It is used as an ingredient for the preparation of shiro, which is used to prepare a dish called shiro wot, which is very famous in that country. It is used during the fasting period in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and the cooked bean is used to prepare the dish baqella nifro, which is used as a snack during periods of mourning.

It is also used in Greece, although favism is quite widespread in that area due to malaria in the past, and in Crete it is served with tsikoudia, an alcoholic drink. Beans are grown in central and central Iran, but have a very short harvest time (around 2 weeks) and are prepared with rice as a very famous dish called baghalee polo, which literally means “rice with beans”.

It is one of the most consumed plants in Sudan.


The beans are eaten fresh or dried in Peru, and are prepared in various ways, one of the most interesting being as a complement to the home remedy “panetela”, which is used to hydrate in case of diarrhea or abdominal infections. It is also rich in fibers (25%), which regulate digestion and affect the microflora of the intestines, thus favoring the strengthening of the immune system.

Interesting stuff

Beans are low in fat and high in protein, and they’re also an excellent source of fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and iron. People suffering from favism should not consume beans.

It is an interesting fact that broad beans were one of the most popular foods in the Middle Ages, and were later replaced by potatoes, beans and corn.

The Egyptians valued it for the opinion that it is one of the plants that helps in better conception, so they declared it the national food of Egypt.

In many societies, beans represent a new beginning. In ancient Egypt, it was placed next to the deceased as a reminder of a new birth or reincarnation. It had an important role and was consumed by both the common people and the priests, because it is an excellent source of protein. It was cooked overnight in a large metal cauldron and served for breakfast as a dish called ful medames, which is still made today.

In ancient Greece and Rome, beans were used for voting: navy beans for “yes” and black beans for “no.” The Pythagoreans (followers of Pythagoras and all who supported his teachings and beliefs, 6th century BC) were forbidden to eat, mention, or even look at beans.

In some cultures it was used for so-called “bean divination”, in which its beans are thrown on the ground and the future of them is read. European folklore, on the other hand, mentions planting fava beans on Good Friday night for better luck.

It is traditionally eaten in Italy on November 2, as a memory of an accident that once happened in Sicily. Supposedly, all crops except beans failed, and he saved people from starvation. Thanksgiving was attributed to Saint Joseph and is eaten that way even today.

Bob is mentioned in the fairy tales of many countries as a magic bean that brings good luck, and the one who always carries it with him will never be without the basic necessities of life.

Photo: Amanda Slater/CC