BEST CHOICE: 5 undemanding balcony beauties that work for just about everyone [FOTO]

BEST CHOICE 5 undemanding balcony beauties that work for just


Nothing beautifies a balcony like flowers. Maybe you would decorate your balcony with flowers, but you don’t know which types require the least care. To help you choose, we bring 5 types of balcony flowers that always succeed.

1. Kadifa is one of the most popular summer flowering plants, both because of its cuteness and because of the small requirements in cultivation.

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In whatever soil you plant these grateful flowering plants, they will thrive. Kadifica is a balcony flower with a rich flowering of beautiful flowers that lasts all summer. It comes in shades of yellow and orange, and the blooms can be simple or full.

Kadifica will grow best in a sunny to semi-shady habitat with a permeable substrate rich in nutrients. If you want to prolong the flowering of your cadifikas throughout the summer, it is mandatory to remove the blooms and regularly feed and water them.

2. Pelargonium is also known for its resistance and unpretentiousness.

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It is characterized by upright fleshy shoots with dark green leaves that have a characteristic dark green ring on the edge. Pelargonium comes in white, yellow, pink, red, purple and orange shades.

For growth, it needs a sunny habitat, but protected from direct midday sun, and a permeable substrate rich in nutrients. In order for it to grow beautifully, it is mandatory to remove faded flowers and yellowed leaves so that diseases do not develop. Water geraniums regularly, but it is necessary to leave the substrate to dry between two waterings.

3. Petunia is one of the most famous species for decorating balconies. This distinctive floral beauty comes in many shapes and colors of flowers, white, yellow, pink, purple, blue and red, and can be bi-colored.

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It blooms from June to September, and it needs a semi-shady habitat and a permeable, humus substrate. Because of its more delicate flowers, make sure it is not too much in the wind.

Care for petunias by regular watering and fertilizing with fertilizers that contain a low percentage of nitrogen and more phosphorus so that the plants bloom profusely. In the second part of the summer, you can cut the plants to 20 cm from the ground level, feed them well and they will bloom again until autumn.

4. Pansy is the most common species we see planted on flower beds in parks and gardens. It is very recognizable by the specific structure of the flower – a five-lobed flower with two petals in the upper part, two on the sides and one in the lower part of the flower.

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There are a large number of varieties that differ in the color of the flower, which can be in all shades from white to dark purple. In addition to single-colored varieties, there are also varieties with flowers in a combination of two or more colors.

Pansies will thrive in any type of soil (permeable is best) and temperature – whether they are planted in a sunny or shady spot. The only thing that bothers them is the high heat.

5. Begonia is a bushy plant with fragile, watery shoots, fleshy leaves and a large number of flowers.

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It comes in white, pink and red, and the flowers are full or simple; the leaves of some varieties can be copper colored. They need a sunny to semi-shady habitat and a permeable substrate rich in nutrients.

In order for the plant to live up to its Latin name, semperflorens, which means ever-blooming, it needs to be fed regularly. Between two waterings, it is recommended to let the substrate dry slightly.
