Avoid these plants if you have pets | the most poisonous plants we know to have in the apartment

cikas palma3

In addition to the list of common indoor plants that are poisonous to our pets, I would like to highlight some other plants that are not necessarily ‘indoor’ but can be found in houses and apartments, and which can cause serious health problems for our pets.

Avoid these plants if you have pets the most

While I have all the plants that I mentioned in the article – Common indoor plants that are poisonous to pets – in my apartment together with animals, the plants that I will mention in this article I really try to avoid, and if I have to get (or buy) them, I keep them on the balcony or in a really completely inaccessible place for my pets.

Most of these plants are actually planted outside in the yard (it is possible that you already have them planted yourself), so if your pets like to be in the yard, make sure they don’t eat these plants. Some simply do not have an attractive appearance, so they will never bite them, but it is always better to be familiar with plants that can harm our dogs and cats.

CYCAS PALM (Cycas revoluta, Eng. sago palm)

The cycad palm is first on the list because it is increasingly used as a houseplant, and it is not emphasized how poisonous it actually is. Especially since most indoor palms are not poisonous, it is logical to conclude that the Cikas palm is not either, but it is, and very much so.

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The sago palm contains the toxic substance CYKAZIN, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, liver failure and can be fatal.

I think that it is unnecessary to have such a poisonous plant in the house if you have pets, no matter how beautiful it is. Animals are unpredictable and we can’t know for sure what they will or won’t eat, but we can at least provide them with as safe an environment as possible.


Lilies are not usually grown indoors, however, they are very common as cut flowers, and more and more often they can be found planted in containers and are sold as more for the apartment than for the yard.

Lilies are very poisonous to cats. For dogs – supposedly – they do not pose a problem, but in cats they can cause kidney failure. All parts of the lily are poisonous to cats, even the pollen itself.

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You either love lilies or you don’t, at least that’s how I feel. I love them, I love their smell and look, but I just don’t plant or buy them because of how dangerous they can be to cats.

ĐURĐICA (Lily of the valley)

Real lilies of the valley can rarely be found in an apartment, but I repeat again, it is better to mention it as a precaution than not.

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In layman’s terms, Lily of the Valley contains Cardenolide which causes vomiting, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, disorientation, seizures and coma.


Rhododendron is also very poisonous. Due to its beautiful flowers and the fact that smaller specimens are sold in pots, the Azalea can easily end up as a decoration in the apartment, and thus accessible to pets.

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Rhododendrons and other plants from the family Ericaceae (Vrjesovke, Vrjesovke) contain Grayanotoxins that cause vomiting and diarrhea, and can also cause irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure and heart failure.


I believe that Oleander is not a surprise to most people. It has been known for a long time that Oleander is poisonous, and in fact it is perhaps the most famous poisonous plant in our region. It’s not that you can often find it in someone’s apartment, but it can be kept on the balcony, for example, so it’s better to be careful.

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Oleander contains the so-called Cardiac glycosides that cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and depression, and poisoning can be fatal.

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