Author Archives: OPGPereglin

Want to learn how to grow coriander? This is the Easiest Way

Coriander is one in every of the best crops to grow. Coriander seems to be like soup leaves. Even so, its pungent scent distinguishes it from soup leaves. Botanical Information Name: cilantroEnglish identify: CorianderBotanical identify: Coriandrum sativum Coriander is a light herb. The development peak is no more than 50 cm. Benefits and Uses Breeding

PRUNING ROSES: How to prune them so that they develop beautifully and bloom profusely

PRUNING ROSES How to prune them so that they develop

In the spring, as soon as the air temperatures rise, it is the most favorable moment for pruning roses. Pruning is most often done in March, because that’s when the growth of new shoots starts, writes the portal. General tips for pruning roses:– the cuts must not be more than 5 mm from the

Cultivation of fringed conifers – fruiting, maintenance, harvesting

resasti iglicar

Fringed conifer (lat. Hericium Erinaceus) is an edible and medicinal mushroom from the conifer family. In our country, it is better known as the lion’s mane, because it looks exactly like it. Although it has an unusual appearance, it is a very tasty mushroom that can be an ingredient in various delicious dishes. In addition

Dangers of Furadan for Humans that Farmers MUST Know about

kesan racun furadan carbofuran

Furadan (energetic narrator – carbofuran) is a systemic pesticide that may be very efficient at stopping vegetation from being eaten by bugs as soon as they’re sown. Therefore, this poison may be very standard amongst Malaysian farmers. Furadan poison is within the type of sand, often purple in colour. The predominant perform is to kill

Indoor palm – planting, cultivation, maintenance, propagation

palma srece

House palms have been decorating homes since ancient times, and they experienced their greatest popularity in the 20th century and until the end of the Second World War. Even today, they are a frequent decoration of indoor spaces since they easily adapt to room temperatures and most can thrive in darker places. Indoor palms come

Dinosaur Day in Brijuni – for all dinosaur lovers, young and old

Brijuni 1

On April 9, 2022, the educational and fun event DINOSAUR DAY will be held in Brijuni National Park. A rich program on the topic of dinosaurs and paleontological values ​​of Brijuni National Park and its surroundings is prepared for all dinosaur lovers, young and old. Visitors can expect expert lectures, stories and presentations, games and