Author Archives: OPGPereglin

Avoid these plants if you have pets | the most poisonous plants we know to have in the apartment

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In addition to the list of common indoor plants that are poisonous to our pets, I would like to highlight some other plants that are not necessarily ‘indoor’ but can be found in houses and apartments, and which can cause serious health problems for our pets. While I have all the plants that I mentioned

Rhododendron – planting, growing, propagation, maintenance


Rhododendron (lat. Rhododendron) belongs to evergreen and deciduous species of trees and shrubs from the heather family. It is also popularly known as azalea, rhododendron, and rhododendron, and the name Rhododendron itself comes from the Greek words rhodon and dendron, which in translation mean rose tree or tree. Azaleas are smaller species that lose their

Reflections on climate neutrality goals in Europe in the age of Covid-19

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European countries are taking drastic measures to limit the impact of Covid-19 on health and the economy in Europe. Such crises usually have direct and serious consequences for the entire population and economy. Given its potential to affect key economic sectors, the coronavirus crisis is expected to reduce some of the environmental and climate impacts

Alpine saw – the most attractive saw in Europe

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The alpine beetle, or Rosalia alpina, is one of the most interesting and beautiful beetles in Europe. With its interesting appearance, structure and colors on the body, it will delight many who meet it. Its blue-black appearance stands out against any background in nature. Unfortunately, the influence of man on its habitat is huge, and

Lime cultivation – planting, maintenance, harvesting


Lime (lat. Citrus x aurantifolia) is a citrus fruit or citrus fruit from the genus Citrus, family Rutaceae. Lime also represents any of several species and hybrids of trees and shrubs distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. The genus Citrus also includes lemon, orange, tangerine, clementine, grapefruit, kumquat and pomelo. Lime is considered to have

Morel cultivation – harvesting, mycelium production, germination


The real morel belongs to the rare, extremely valued edible spring mushrooms from the Morchellaceae family. The young fruiting bodies of this mushroom are formed from a dense knot of hyphae, and with enough nutrients and moisture, they quickly become dense, gray in color with slightly lighter edges. A fully developed fruiting body can be

Gardenia – a white beauty with an enchanting scent. How to grow and nurture it?

Gardenia a white beauty with an enchanting scent How

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) is an evergreen bushy plant that is usually grown outdoors. However, if you really love it, this wonderful white beauty will surely find a place in your home sooner or later, although it is quite demanding to grow indoors. In addition to smelling wonderful and looking even more beautiful, it is very