Author Archives: OPGPereglin

Cultivation of white oak – germination, fruiting, harvesting

hrastova sjajnica

Oak gazebo (lat. Ganoderma lucidum) is a medicinal mushroom from the Ganodermaceae family. In nature, it grows on the stumps of coniferous and coniferous trees, and sometimes it can be found on the roots of various types of trees outside the forest. The oak arboreal lives as a parasite on living trees, destroying them, while

Continents – Seven land areas surrounded by blue


There are seven continents of different sizes spread across the surface of the Earth, stretching in different directions and bearing the burden of natural and man-made structures and human creations. Some of the continents are connected and some are not, and together they cover 29% of the Earth, while the remaining 71% is water. Although

How to Plant Garlic in a Pot From Early to Last

Garlic is usually used in cooking. But not many individuals know that garlic is straightforward to develop in Malaysia? Botanical Information Local title: garlicEnglish title: garlicScientific title: Allium sativumFamily: Amaryllidaceae Garlic grows in clumps. If you need to know what every of those botanical phrases means, refer to Learn Botany For Noobs. How to Plant

5 Natural Root Boosters Suitable For Tut Propagation and Stem Cuttings

Root selling hormone is most generally utilized in propagation of tree cuttings and additionally tut. We solely want to use a small quantity of this hormone and the impact is superb. Auxin is the primary hormone current in each root substance. Most business root booster powders include indol butyric acid (IBA) or naphthylacetic acid (NAA).

How to Plant a God’s Crown Tree

The crown fruit of the god has many advantages. Here I train how to make herbs from the fruit of the god’s crown. 1. Pick the fruit that’s reddish purple in coloration. This is when the antioxidant content material within the fruit of the god’s crown is excessive. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=””

Black root – planting, sowing, cultivation, maintenance, extraction

crni korijen

Black root (lat. Scorzonera hispanica) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the stellate order (Asterales) and the glavočika family (Asteraceae). This plant belongs to the category of vegetables and wild plants. The vegetable is little known in our country, so it can mostly be found as a wild plant. The spindle-shaped root is

GLOXINIA: What you need to know about growing this beautiful plant

GLOXINIA What you need to know about growing this beautiful

Gloxinia (lat. Sinningia speciosa) is a perennial herb native to Brazil. It belongs to the family Gesneriaceaeas well as the African violet, and therefore these two plants have a lot of similarities. Although it arrived in Europe only in the 19th century, gloxinia won the hearts of many gardeners because of its unique appearance. It

Velebit Nature Park – a stone embankment that separates land and sea

Park prirode Velebit

When we look at Velebit from the air, we understand that it is a huge stone wall that separates the sea from the land. It is decorated with exceptional biodiversity and karst depressions, ridges, hills, valleys and peaks. It can be said that Velebit Nature Park is perhaps the most important Croatian center of flora