Author Archives: OPGPereglin

Red currant – planting and growing

crveni ribiz

Red currant (lat. Ribes rubrum) is a plant from the gooseberry family (lat. Grossulariaceae), which includes black and mountain currants, gooseberries and gooseberries. In the people, red currant is also called red currant, currant, raspberry, borica and bear grape. It originates from northern Europe and Asia and grows wild as a wild form on many

Christmas cactus

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Thanks to its flowering in the course of the holidays, this plant is rightly known as the “Christmas cactus”, in distinction to the very comparable, “Easter cactus” Latin identify Hatiora gaertneri, which blooms on the finish of winter and in spring. Christmas cactus (Schlumbergia truncata, Epiphyllum truncatum) is a species that originates from tropical rainforests

IMPERIAL BEGONIA: A colorful beauty perfect for indoor spaces

IMPERIAL BEGONIA A colorful beauty perfect for indoor spaces

For many, the ideal indoor plant is imperial begonia, also known as royal begonia and leaf begonia, Latin name Rex-cultorum. It is characterized by heart-shaped or star-shaped leaves in various shades of vivid colors – green, pink, purple, brown, dotted with striking gold and silver patterns. Imperial begonia is grown for its beautiful decorative leaves.

Cultivation of the imperial koccavica – planting, propagation, maintenance

carska kockavica

Imperial fritillaria (Fritillaria imperialis L.) belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae), and it is a perennial plant that can grow up to 30 cm in width and 100 cm in height as strong stems. The genus fritillus comes from the word fritillus, which means cup for throwing dice, and refers to the dice-shaped leaf patterns

DESERT ROSE (Adenium obesum): A modest plant that will delight you with its beautiful flowers

DESERT ROSE Adenium obesum A modest plant that will delight

Desert rose (lat. Adenium obesum), a plant from the evergreen family (Apocynaceae) that is grown as a houseplant in our region. It is native to the Sahel regions south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan), tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. It belongs to succulents, it is

TURKISH CARNATION: A beautiful flower that you will grow easily, it requires almost no care

TURKISH CARNATION A beautiful flower that you will grow easily

If you are looking for a plant that everyone will comment on and want for your garden, the Turkish carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus) is a winning combination! The Turkish carnation is a spectacular plant that boasts striking flowers whose colors flow and combine in beautiful ways. Carnation, clove, barbat, brush. There are many names for

Zelembać – giant lizard –


Zelembac (Lacerta viridis) is a “giant” in the world of lizards! It is the largest lizard in northern Europe. With its beautiful colors and shine, it has attracted attention since ancient times. Because it was often attracted to human settlements, this lizard became known as the “Little Visitor”. A lizard that likes to sunbathe for

How to Grow a Hydroponic Salad (11 Easy Steps for beginers)

Salad or lettuce (lettuce) is among the straightforward crops to develop particularly utilizing hydroponic strategies. This time I’ll present you a step-by-step tutorial on rising hydroponic lettuce. Almost all of the substances and gear I exploit to develop this salad are simply obtainable at ECO (RM2.10) and Mr. DIY. 1 – Preparation of Materials and

Hemantus (elephant’s ear) – Meet the three most common and most beautiful varieties

1658910522 470 Hemantus elephants ear Meet the three most common and

Hemantus (elephant ear) originates from South Africa, from Kapland. The variety can be seen most often in our region Haemanthus albiflos which has large leathery leaves, in the middle of which a white flower with numerous yellow stamens develops on a 10 cm long, strong stem. This species tolerates dry air in the room well,

Ash – planting, cultivation, maintenance, fertilization


Ash (lat. Fraxinus) is a genus of flowering plants from the olive family (lat. Oleaceae) to which belong olive, lilac, forsythia, viburnum, etc. There are about 45-65 species and the size of their trees usually varies from medium to large. They are mostly deciduous trees, although a few subtropical species are evergreen. The genus is