Author Archives: OPGPereglin

Mulberry plant – My Garden

Mulberry (lat. Morus) is a deciduous plant from the mulberry family (Moraceae). It is also called mulberry. It is grown for its sweet, edible blackberry-like fruit. Mulberry or mulberry is a deciduous woody plant that belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae) and originates from Western Asia. Mulberry is most often associated with silk production because

Broćika – healing properties, tea, ointment


Best known as “John’s grass”, among the Germans, bročika was dedicated to the goddess of love, marriage, fertility and childbirth. There are many types of bročica, and today we bring you everything about the so-called “ordinary brochica” (lat. Galium verum). This plant is also known by the names true brocica, midsummer flowers and yellow brocica.

STAPELIJA: Why do people adore this humble plant with an unpleasant smell?

STAPELIJA Why do people adore this humble plant with an

Stapelia (sterling stench, sheriff’s star, starfish, lat. Orbea variegata) is a modest succulent native to eastern and southern Africa, which was brought to Europe by missionaries in the 17th century. It blooms at the end of summer and in autumn. The plant is very variable, both in terms of size, shape, color, growth method, and

MAGNOLIAS – A BEAUTIFUL DECORATION OF EVERY GARDEN: Here’s how to plant and care for them


Magnolias are a wonderful decoration of any garden, and are planted in early spring. They thrive best in partial shade, in a place protected from frost and cold winds. The soil for planting must be loose and slightly acidic, able to retain moisture. Since they have shallow roots, they should be planted shallowly, and the

Močvarni okaš – an Istrian beauty

mocvarni okas

This particularly beautiful species of butterfly is a special indicator of biological changes in its environment, and the decline in its population significantly indicated negative changes in its favorite habitat, grasslands. This butterfly has only been discovered in six different locations in Croatia, and all six are in the northern Istrian region, which speaks volumes

MORE THAN DECORATIVE: Plant these 7 beautiful flowers in your garden, they are believed to bring good luck

MORE THAN DECORATIVE Plant these 7 beautiful flowers in your

Flowers beautify the garden, transforming it into a relaxing floral oasis, certain plants can also have a beneficial effect on health, and certain varieties of flowers are considered to bring good luck, writes t portal. This group of “lucky people” includes seven wonderful plants that we curse below. In addition to bringing good luck, they

AGLAONEMA: “Silver Queen” of the interior that removes toxins from the air

AGLAONEMA Silver Queen of the interior that removes toxins from

Aglaonema is an indoor evergreen herbaceous perennial plant native to the subtropical regions of Asia. About 50 species of this beautiful herbaceous perennial are known, and the most famous is Aglaonema crispum, known as the “silver queen”. There are also hybrid species of this plant with reddish leaves and more or less colorful leaves, but

Cultivation of creeping quince – planting, propagation, maintenance


Creeping quince (lat. Cotoneaster dammeri) is a flowering plant adorned with white flowers with a beautiful fragrance that appear in late spring. It is a dense, evergreen shrub from the Rosaceae family. Roses also belong to the same family, so we can conclude that creeping quince is an ornamental plant, but unlike roses, which are

Papuk Nature Park – a geopark created from the depths of the Pannonian Sea


Papuk Nature Park is located in the east of Croatia, at the intersection of three Croatian regions, in the very north of the watershed in which Požega is located. For its rich and above all well-preserved flora and fauna, geological features and watercourses, it was declared the Papuk Nature Park in 1999, and eight years

How much are cryptocurrencies responsible for climate change?

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The so-called The “mining” required to obtain a cryptocurrency requires a huge amount of electricity, and the burning question is whether the new, digital type of currency will push us deeper into global warming. In the past, the term mining conjured up images of dust-faced men laboriously hammering a pickaxe deep underground to extract coal,