AMARILIS: How to care for a flower whose beauty no one remains indifferent to

AMARILIS How to care for a flower whose beauty no

AMARILIS: How to care for a flower whose beauty no one remains indifferent to

It is an understatement to say that amaryllis is a beautiful flower. No one remains indifferent to its beauty, so it is logical that we meet it relatively often – many people have it in their homes, and it is just as often bought in flower shops as a gift.

If you receive an amaryllis in bloom as a gift, do not place it on a sunny (direct sun) window, nor in a dark part of the home. Therefore, keep it in a bright part of the room, but not directly exposed to the sun, because that way the flower will last longer, advises B.Sc. ing Maja Kos Pogačić, in an article published by Gospodarski list.

Windows facing north are not suitable for keeping amaryllis, because they will not bloom there (there is too little sun). Also, try to keep the amaryllis away from drafts.

Water it 1-2 times a week and feed it with a suitable nutrient.

AMARILIS: How to care for a flower whose beauty no one remains indifferent to

If you are a fan of amaryllis and want to grow them yourself, then you need to invest a little effort and care with this potted plant. Your efforts will be rewarded with very beautiful flowers. In addition to showing off your potted plants in the room, amaryllis flowers can also be used as cut flowers. In the garden or on the balcony, amaryllis can be used as a luxurious decoration if you plant a large number of bulbs in larger flower boxes or some decorative containers.

If you bought amaryllis bulbs during the fall, plant them in flower pots, so that 1/3 of the bulb remains above the surface, and water them well after planting. Those who already had bulbs planted and kept them in the garden during the summer, bring them indoors before frost, in a cool (about 15 °C) dark room where they stay for about 8 weeks.

After this period, they are brought out into the light in moderately warm rooms (around 20 °C). Place the planted bulbs in flower pots or larger decorative containers in a warm (17-20 °C) and sunny place. It starts to be watered a little (not too abundantly).

AMARILIS: How to care for a flower whose beauty no one remains indifferent to

When the buds appear, it can be watered a little more, but not so that the water stands in the base of the flower pot. At that time, they also start feeding.

During flowering, try to keep it out of direct sunlight and protect it from drafts. Remove dead flowers by cutting off the flower stem cleanly at the base, and keep the plant after flowering in a moderately warm and bright place.

Remove the leaves only when they turn yellow and fall off. Watering is reduced again.

In early autumn, feeding and watering is stopped. Before the frost, as we said, store the flower pots in a cool (15 °C) dark room where they will remain for about 8 weeks.

In the spring, when it warms up outside and the danger of frost has passed, you can take your amaryllis out into the garden or onto the balcony. Choose a sunny spot or light shade, so some in a bright and warmer area, start watering and the growth starts again.